Tags for student (23 articles found)


Good luck in taking the UKAI-OSCE exam for students of the Pharmacist Professional Education Study Program, FF UNAIR

This morning (18/1/2025) students of the Pharmacist Education Professional Study Program, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) began taking the UKAI-OSCE exam...


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Kunjungan ke Management & Science University, Mahasiswa FF UNAIR Belajar Berbagai Pekerjaan Kefarmasian

Pada tanggal 13-27 Agustus 2024, mahasiswa pendidikan profesi Apoteker Universitas Airlangga mengunjungi Management & Science University di Malaysia dalam rangka... 

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Mahasiswa FF UNAIR Terbang ke Thailand untuk Kunjungan ke Mahasarakham University

Pada tanggal 13-23 Agustus 2024, mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) melakukan kegiatan  Student Outbound  ke..
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5 Mahasiswa FF UNAIR Ikuti Program International Attachment di IIUM Malaysia

Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) mengadakan program  International Attachment yang diikuti oleh 5 mahasiswa. Program ini bertujuan untuk...

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Mahasiswa FF UNAIR Jalani Program Pertukaran Pelajar di University of Kiel Jerman

Pada tanggal 26 Februari-21 Maret 2024 Muhammad Rosyid Ridho mahasiswa tingkat sarjana angkatan tahun 2021 terpilih untuk mengikuti program pertukaran pelajar di University of Kiel Jerman. Aktivitas...

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Mahasiswa FF UNAIR Melakukan Riset di Hoshi University Jepang

Fawaz Sihab, mahasiswa tingkat sarjana angkatan 2020 selama satu bulan menjalani aktivitas riset di Hoshi University. Tepatnya pada tanggal 28 Februari hingga 29 Maret 2024 lalu, ia melakukan r

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Ready for Pharmaceutical Chemistry KBK Thesis - Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2024

The activity that the students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR) have been waiting for is now back...

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SEP BEM FF UNAIR Ajak Empat Mahasiswi Asing dari Mesir dan Slovenia Berkunjung ke PT Amerta Indah Otsuka

BEM FF UNAIR kembali menyelenggarakan Student Exchange Programme (SEP). Kali ini, SEP mendapatkan kesempatan mengadakan pertukaran pelajar dengan empat mahasiswi asing yang berasal dari Mesir dan Slovenia. Program ini...

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Banyak Pengalaman Berharga, Mahasiswa FF UNAIR Menjalani Student Mobility Selama 2 Pekan di MSU Malaysia

Sama halnya seperti mahasiswa FF UNAIR yang mengikuti program serupa di UniKL, tim mahasiswa FF UNAIR di MSU ini pun juga menjalani kegiatan yang padat namun sangat menyenangkan tentunya. Mereka...

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Minggu Ke-2 Student Mobility di UniKL, Aktivitas Mahasiswa Semakin Padat dan Bervariatif

Tak terasa progam  Student Mobility sudah berjalan selama dua minggu. Sejumlah 7 orang mahasiswa yang menjalani program tersebut di UniKL mulai merasakan padatnya kegiatan. Mereka disibukkan dengan...

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Tak Hanya UniKL, Sejumlah 24 Mahasiswa FF UNAIR Juga Dikirimkan ke MSU Malaysia pada Program Student Mobility

FF UNAIR selalu mendukung kegiatan mahasiswa untuk  upgrade skill dan pengembangan diri, salah satunya program  Student Mobility. Program tersebut bertujuan untuk...

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7 Mahasiswa FF UNAIR Diberangkatkan ke UniKL Malaysia untuk Jalani Program Student Mobility

FF UNAIR mengadakan program  Student Mobility yang diikuti oleh 24 mahasiswa. Mereka akan menjalani program ini selama kurang lebih 2 minggu di UniKL Malaysia... 

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FF UNAIR Responds to Students' Aspirations through Audiences

Students are one of the most important elements for an educational institution, therefore the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlanggaa (FF UNAIR) this morning (19/5/2023) held an audience with students...

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Active Students of Al Azhar 14 Islamic High School Semarang During a Visit to FF UNAIR

SMA Al Azhar 14 Semarang today (16/3/2023) visited the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR). A group of approximately 50 people consisting of teachers and grade 11 students were immediately directed by FF UNAIR staff to enter room 5.1.

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More Variety of Movements for Academic Community FF UNAIR Not Bored of Participating in Morning Exercise

Until today (17/2/2023) the morning exercises of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) are still routinely carried out every Friday at 07.00...

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Undergraduate Pharmacy Students Class of 2021 Holds "Horizontal" to Strengthen the Solidarity of Their Undergraduates

At the end of last week, students of the Pharmacy Undergraduate Study Program class of 2021 took the initiative to hold an activity called "Cakrawala". The activity which was aimed at students of the Pharmacy Undergraduate Study Program class of 2022,

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UKAI-OSCE Exam Begins, Spirit of Prospective Pharmacists #HEBAT

On this morning (28/1/2023) students of the Pharmacist Education Professional Study Program, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) began taking the UKAI-OSCE exam...

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BEM FF UNAIR Successfully Holds KOFEIN 2023, All-Indonesian Pharmacy Competition

On Saturday (21/1/2023) the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) has officially successfully held the entire series of activities for the All Indonesia Pharmacy Competition (KOFEIN) 2023....

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The 2nd Scientific Referat from Mr. Muhammad Faris Adrianto, Ph.D. Has Been Implemented Smoothly

After being successfully held last Monday (16/1/2023), today (19/1/2023) another Scientific Referral activity was held which was resourced by Mr. Muhammad Faris Adrianto, Ph.D. Unlike the previous activities...

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Science Week Was Successfully Held, Ten FF UNAIR Research Groups Have Been Introduced

It doesn't feel like Science Week activities have entered the last day (3/11/2022). The activity initiated by the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (BEM FF UNAIR) has succeeded in inviting all research groups wit

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LKMM-TD 2022: One of the Outcome Activity Proposals Will Be Realized

After being carried out online for the past 2 years, the Basic Level Student Management Skills Training activity or abbreviated as LKMM-TD which aims to train student leadership was finally carried out offline at RK 5.1 Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building f

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One of the Deans at Universiti Kuala Lumpur Gives Lectures to FF UNAIR Students

Today (17/10/2022), Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fuad Shamsuddin RPh. giving lectures for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR)...

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Dua Mahasiswi Jerman dan Estonia Ikuti Pertukaran Pelajar di Farmasi UNAIR

UNAIR NEWS – Selama satu bulan, dua mahasiswa asing, Carmen Bohlinger asal Jerman dan Britt Lugenborg asal Estonia mengikuti Student Exchange Programme 2016

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