
The 2nd Scientific Referat from Mr. Muhammad Faris Adrianto, Ph.D. Has Been Implemented Smoothly

After being successfully held last Monday (16/1/2023), today (19/1/2023) another Scientific Referral activity was held which was resourced by Mr. Muhammad Faris Adrianto, Ph.D. Unlike the previous activities, today's topic was "Accepting the challenge of protein characterization".

This time the activity took place in the 2nd floor courtroom of the Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building. Attended by Leaders, Lecturers, and students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR), this activity went smoothly until the end of the event. The audience also seemed to pay close attention to the material presented.

Just like similar activities carried out before, after the material delivery session was carried out, the agenda continued with a discussion and question and answer session. The audience actively asked several questions to be discussed with Mr. Faris.

This moment was immortalized by taking a group photo at the end of the event.