
Active Students of Al Azhar 14 Islamic High School Semarang During a Visit to FF UNAIR

SMA Al Azhar 14 Semarang today (16/3/2023) visited the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR). A group of approximately 50 people consisting of teachers and grade 11 students were immediately directed by FF UNAIR staff to enter room 5.1. It is in this room that visits are carried out.

After the event was opened by the presenter, representatives from FF UNAIR and SMA Al Azhar 14 Semarang were invited to deliver remarks. The first remarks were delivered by the Chairperson of the Student Affairs Commission, Mr. Ahmad Dzulfikri, M.Farm. which was then continued by remarks from Tri Adi N., a teacher at SMA Al Azhar 14 Semarang.

After that, the students listened to a presentation from Mr. Ahmad Dzulfikri who introduced his profile and conveyed the achievements of FF UNAIR. From the student side, Head of BEM FF UNAIR, Gerry Yahya and Afifatuzzahroh as representatives shared their experiences while studying at FF UNAIR.

During the discussion session, the students who were present enthusiastically asked several questions. Not only 1 or 2 students, even more than 5 students asked interesting questions. Many of them asked questions regarding entry requirements and costs to continue their studies at FF UNAIR.

Not only that, there are also many students who want to know about the experience of being a student who is also active in organizations, facilities provided to support from FF UNAIR for student exchange. There were even students who asked about the role of pharmacists in several fields and how to choose good medicine for society.