Tags for education (20 articles found)


Juara Bertahan, FF UNAIR Kembali Jadi Booth Ter-Informatif dalam Gelaran AEE 2024

Kegiatan Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2024 resmi ditutup pada Sabtu (3/2/2024).Fakultas Farmasi kembali mendapat juara 1 dalam nominasi  booth paling informatif...

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Berkenalan Lebih Dekat dengan Fakultas Farmasi UNAIR Melalui AEE 2024

Kegiatan Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2024 memasuki hari kedua pada Jumat (2/2/2024). Booth Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga kembali dipenuhi oleh para siswa yang...

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Prof. Junaidi: Pharmapreneur hingga Research Development, Peluang Kerja Terbuka Lebar bagi Lulusan FF UNAIR

FF UNAIR turut berpartisipasi dalam gelaran Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2024 yang dihelat pada Kamis hingga Sabtu (1-3/2/2024). Pada kegiatan tersebut,  booth Fakultas Farmasi UNAIR mengusung tema..

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Sukses, Booth FF UNAIR Diserbu oleh Ribuan Pengunjung pada AEE 2024

Agenda tahunan pameran pendidikan terbesar di Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) yaitu Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) pada tahun ini kembali diselenggarakan. Dengan mengusung tema...

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Calon Ksatria Airlangga Wajib Hadir, Kunjungi Booth FF UNAIR di AEE 2024

Ayo ramaikan booth Fakultas Farmasi (booth no. 3) di Airlangga Education Expo 2024 yang akan dilaksanakan tanggal 1-3 Februari 2024 di Airlangga Convention Center, Kampus C Universitas Airlangga.

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FF UNAIR Introduces Indonesian Traditional Medicine Through Indonesian Heritage 2023

After successfully holding a Summer School for two weeks last year, this year the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) is again holding a summer program entitled “Indonesian Heritage (Inherit) 2023” in collaboration with Uni

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Mewakili UNAIR, Wakil Dekan III FF UNAIR Hadiri THE Asian University Summit di Chinese University of Hongkong

Prof. Dewi Melani Hariyadi mewakili UNAIR untuk hadir pada perhelatan bergengsi Time Higher Education (THE) Asian University Summit.

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Congratulations on the election of the APTFI Chair for the 2023-2027 period

Congratulations and success to Prof. Dr. apt. Yandi Syukri, M.Sc. who has been entrusted to be the Chair of APTFI for the 2023-2027 period. Hopefully it can be launched on duty.

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Prof. Ahmed S. Attia Collaborates Again with FF UNAIR on Guest Lecture Agenda

Prof. Ahmed S. Attia from Cairo University has indeed formed a good partnership with the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) to help improve the quality of education. This collaboration was realized in several guest lectures that were

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Commemoration of National Education Day at UNAIR: Ceremony Wearing National Traditional Clothes

Today (2/5/2023) all Indonesian people commemorate National Education Day. Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) as one of the universities which certainly contributes greatly to the progress of the nation's children's education also commemorates this day with

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The First Webinar Series in 2023, Provide Education Regarding Food Safety to Discuss Ciki Ngebul

One of the routine agendas of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) which aims to educate the public is coming back in 2023...

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Closed Well, FF UNAIR Won 1st Place in Most Informative Booth Category at AEE 2023

It doesn't feel like these 3 exciting days have passed. The grand event of Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2023 has entered its final day today (5/2/2023)...

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Ditutup Dengan Baik, FF UNAIR Menjadi Juara 1 Kategori Booth Paling Informatif pada AEE 2023

Pada hari ke-3 ini seluruh panitia dari FF UNAIR patut berbangga karena hasil kerja keras mereka selama persiapan hingga pelaksanaan acara dapat terbayarkan dengan penghargaan...

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Starting from the influx of visitors to the lively info session, UNAIR FF Booth is getting hotter on the 2nd day

Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2023 has entered its 2nd day. The Booth of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) was heating up with so many visitors...

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Mulai dari Membludaknya Pengunjung hingga Meriahnya Info Session, Booth FF UNAIR Semakin Memanas di Hari ke-2

Selain digelar info session FF UNAIR yang sangat menarik, di hari ke-2 pelaksanaan Airlangga Education Expo 2023 ini booth FF UNAIR semakin memanas dengan membludaknya para pengunjung. Jumlah pengunjung sebanyak...

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Airlangga Education Expo 2023 Starts Today, FF UNAIR Floods with Visits to Journalists

Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2023 officially starts today (3/2/2023). Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) annual education exhibition event has been awaited by many people who dream of being able to continue their studies at UNAIR...

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Airlangga Education Expo 2023 Dimulai Hari ini, FF UNAIR Banjir Kunjungan hingga Didatangi Wartawan

FF UNAIR mengusung beberapa konsep menarik yang sukses membuat para pengunjung melirik booth FF UNAIR. Jumlah pengunjung FF UNAIR tercatat sebanyak...

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AEE Akan Segera Hadir, FF UNAIR Gelar Rapat Koordinasi untuk Perkuat Branding dan Promosi

Airlangga Education Expo (AEE), perhelatan akbar yang selalu ditunggu para siswa-siswa SMA/SMK sederajat akan hadir pada tanggal 3-5 Februari 2023. AEE merupakan...

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Webinar SDGs Series 4

Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga presents a webinar with a theme of "Pharmacy Education Transformation to anticipate Inevitable Changes Post Covid-19 Pandemic"

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