Tags for ici (4 articles found)


FF UNAIR Kenalkan Pengobatan Tradisional Indonesia Melalui Indonesian Heritage 2023

Pada tahun ini FF UNAIR kembali menggelar summer program bertajuk “Indonesian Heritage (Inherit) 2023" dengan menggandeng UNS...

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Booth FF UNAIR Dibanjiri Banyak Pengunjung pada Pameran Indonesian Cosmetic Ingredients Surabaya 2023

Pada tanggal 7-8 Juni 2023 ini, FF UNAIR juga tak ingin melewatkan kesempatan untuk turut andil pada kegiatan Indonesian Cosmetic Ingredients (ICI) Surabaya 2023. Kegiatan yang...

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Fight Covid-19 with Herbal Medicines

Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga's Department of Pharmaceutical sciences organized Community Services Webinar titled "Correct Application of Traditional Medicine Against COVID-19" on 5 thof December, 2021

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Meniran Herbs to Fight Against Hepatitis C Virus

Limited Akses, durg resistance and side effects of drugs used in the therapy of Hepatitis C requires new exploration of safe, affordable and effective to treat the infection. One of those explorations is the use of medicin
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