
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry



Being an excellent Department in the field of pharmacognosy and natural product-based drug development, both in the national and international levels in the implementation of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi.


  1. Providing maximum academic and professional competences with competitive excellence to graduates in pharmaceutics
  2. Increasing research in the basic science, applied science, and technology for the utilization of natural products to produce drugs
  3. Continuing research partnerships on the national and international levels on the development of drugs from natural products
  4. Partnering with various institutions and non-profit organizations in providing information to the public regarding the use of natural products to support the preservation of traditional drug use in Indonesia


The Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Department has been founded since the founding of the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga under the name of the Pharmacognosy Section with limited facilities consisting of 2 (two) Practice Work Rooms of Pharmaceutical Botany-Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. Later, in 1984 the Department was transformed to the Pharmaceutical Biology Major with 4 (four) laboratories namely: Pharmaceutical Botany-Pharmacognosy Laboratory, Phytochemistry Laboratory, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Laboratory, and Experimental Animals Lab. Since 2005, the Pharmacognosy Section has changed into the Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry Department.

Riset Unggulan

Development of drugs from natural products, both from plants and from marine biota for various bioactivities, such as anticancer, antifertility for males, and antimalaria, antiviral, antiosteoporosis, antidiabetes, analgesic, immunology, antimicrobe, and antiaging.

Isolation and elucidation of bioactive compound structures of natural products.

Drug delivery system of drugs from natural products.

Development of natural product analysis method


Department Activities

  • Conducting teaching for the courses Pharmaceutical Botany I, Pharmaceutical Botany II, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Biotechnology, Phytopharmacy, and Traditional drugs.

Teaching Staff

  1. Prof. Dr. Sukardiman, MS.,Apt
  2. Prof. Dr. Aty Widyawaruyanti, M.Si.,Apt.
  3. Prof. Dr. Wiwied Ekasari, M.Si.,Apt
  4. Prof. apt. Rr. Retno Widyowati, S.Si.,M.Pharm.,Ph.D.
  5. Dr. Idha Kusumawati, M.Si.,Apt
  6. Tutik Sri Wahyuni, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., Apt
  7. apt. Rice Disi Oktarina, S.Farm., M.Farm.
  8. Neny Purwitasari, S.Farm.,M.Sc.,Apt
  9. Suciati, S.Si.,M.Phil.,Ph.D
  10. apt. Rosita Handayani, S.Farm., M.Si.