
Application and Implementation of Independent Student Internship


Application and Implementation of Independent Student Internship






Confirms internship admission by the associate institution



Downloads Internship Permission Request/Recommendation Internship Form from Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga’s website



Fills out the downloaded form



Consults with and asks approval from the Student Advisor



Consults with the Person In Charge for the Internship Course



Consults with and asks permission from the Head of Study for Bachelor of Pharmacy Program



Fills out Google Form *) and uploads the approved Internship Permission Request/Recommendation Internship Form through the following link:


Head of Study Program for Bachelor of Pharmacy

/ Study Program Administrator

Processes the application to the Vice Dean I

3 work days

Vice Dean I

Publishes the recommendation/permission letter to the applicant and forwards it to the Study Program Administrator

Head of Study Program for Bachelor of Pharmacy

/ Study Program Administrator

Forwards the recommendation/permission letter to the Person In Charge for the Internship Course as justification for appointing Internship Supervisor

Person In Charge for the Internship Course

Informs the Internship Supervisor to the Study Program Administrator


Head of Study Program for Bachelor of Pharmacy

/ Study Program Administrator

Processes assignment letter with the name of the appointed Internship Supervisor


2 work days


Confirms and receives the cover letter internship from Academic Sub-Department

Mengkonfirmasi dan menerima surat pengantar magang ke Sub. Bag. Akademik Lt. 1

3 work days since application submission



Undertakes the internship while consults with the Internship Supervisor regularly


Internship Supervisor

Monitors the internship through discussion and presentation with the involves student(s) and fills out the Monitoring Minutes

At least twice throughout the internship period minimal 2 kali selama magang


Internship Supervisor

Evaluates the internship through discussion/presentation and fills out the Internship Assessment Form

At least once with a maximum period of 2 weeks after the internship has ended

Internship Supervisor

Fills out the Internship Evaluation Form and addresses Satisfaction Form to the associate institution representing the study program

Up to 1 month after the internship has ended


Uploads internship report and fills out the internship evaluation form

Up to 2 weeks after the internship has ended

* While filling in the Google Form, students are required to provide frequently used email due to access to the same form will be utilized to file internship report.     


Download  Internship Permission Request/Recommendation Form 

Download  SOP-Internship