



The vision of the Department of Pharmaceutics is being an excellent Department in the national and global levels in implementing education, research, and community service especially in the field of Pharmaceutics for generating graduates who are able to compete in the global market.


Implementing education (Apothecary S1, Professional – Pharmaceutical Industry, S2, S3, and Continued Education), research, and community service professionally and according the pharmaceutics perspective.

Striving for a conducive work climate and academic atmosphere so that the pharmaceutics section can become a reliable resource

Forming effective work network from other parties relating to pharmaceutics, both domestic and international.


Pharmaceutics Department has been formed since the founding of the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga in 1963 under the name of Prescriptions Science Section, besides other sections namely Industrial Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical Botany. In the restructuration of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the prescriptions science and industrial pharmacy was merged into the pharmaceutics major consisting of three laboratories: formulation prescription laboratory, pharmaceutical technology, and pharmacokinetic biopharmacy. Demands for a change into the new paradigm of “pharmaceutical care” motivated the stipulation of the Dean’s Decree No. 293/JO3.1.20/PP/2002, in which the pharmaceutics major was transformed into the Pharmaceutics Section consisting of several laboratories: physical pharmacy, solids, liquids, semisolids, sterile, cosmetics, drug delivery system, and nutrition. The majors’ structure changes were also followed by academic staff restructuration. Afterwards, since 2007 a name change from Section to Department was implemented according to Rector’s Decree No. 9936/JO3/HK/2007.

Foremost Research

The foremost Research of the Department of Pharmaceutics is in the formulation and development of drug materials to improve the drug material characteristics and drug and cosmetic delivery system. Specifically, the foremost researches encompass the following topics:

  • Pharmaceutical Technology: Solid dispersion, co-crystals, inclusion complex
  • Drug Delivery Systems (such as liposome, solid-lipid nanoparticles)
  • Vaccine Delivery System
  • Cosmetics and Cosmetic Delivery System

Department Activities

The main activity in the Pharmaceutics Department is the implementation of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi encompassing Education, Research, and Community Service. Besides, the department also conducts other activities to support and develop itself, such as organizing seminars/conferences in Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Technology


  1. Implementing education in the S1 stage with compulsory and elective courses.

S1 Courses:

Compulsory courses: Physical Pharmacy, Liquid Preparation Pharmaceutics, Solid Preparation Pharmaceutics, Semisolid Preparation Pharmaceutics, and Sterile Preparation Pharmaceutics

Elective courses: Drug Delivery System, Cosmetics, Nutrition

  1. Implementing education in the S2 and S3 stages



  1. Composing and proposing research proposals
  2. Implementing research using funding sources from the University or Government (Kemenristekdikti) or partnership funding with other parties
  3. Implementing research that involve other parties and students
  4. Publishing in various seminars or scientific journals
  5. Forming research partnerships with domestic and international partners
  6. Attending various conferences to perform the dissemination of research results


Community Service

  1. Compiling and proposing community service proposals
  2. Implementing community service routinely to the community, both in Surabaya and around East Java

Teaching Staffs

  1. Prof. Dr. apt. Dwi Setyawan, S.Si., M.Si.
  2. Prof. Dra. Esti Hendradi, M.Si.,Ph.D
  3. Prof. Dr. Tristiana Erawati, M.Si.,Apt
  4. Prof. Dr. Noorma Rosita, M.Si.,Apt
  5. Prof. Dr. Retno Sari, M.Sc.,Apt
  6. Prof. Dewi Melani Hariyadi, S.Si.,M.Phil.,Ph.D., Apt 
  7. Prof. apt. Helmy Yusuf, S.Si.,M.Sc.,Ph.D
  8. Dr. Muh. Agus Syamsur Rijal, S.Si, M.Si., Apt
  9. Dr. Dewi Isadiartuti, M.Si.,Apt
  10. Dr.rer.nat. apt. Maria Lucia Ardhani DL, M.PharmSci
  11. apt. Dini Retnowati, S.Farm., M.Si.
  12. apt. Andang Miatmoko, S.Farm., M.Pharm., Sci.
  13. apt. Abhimata Paramanandana, S.Farm., M.Sc.