
Community Pharmacy


Becoming a trusted and acknowledged department in the field of Community Pharmacy, both nationally and regionally in the implementation of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi.


  1. Implementing Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi for fields that fall under the scope of this department according to the assignment given by the Faculty.
  2. Positioning the department to become a reference in the field of Community Pharmacy
  3. Empowering itself to become a Revenue-Generating Unit for the Faculty that provides results and benefits in the framework of university autonomy


The science managed by the Community Pharmacy Department is a hybrid of pharmaceutics, health science, basic science, and social sciences and humanities. The courses managed by the Community Pharmacy Department consist of 15 Compulsory and Elective Courses (for S1), along with Pharmacy and Government Internship (professional program), that support the achievement of graduates’ learning outcomes according to the KKNI. In addition to administrating S1-Professional program, the Department of Community Pharmacy also contributes in the scientific development of the Pharmaceutical Management and Policy at the S2 stage.

 The main foundation applied by the Community Pharmacy Department in managing the science is the concept of pharmaceutical care. Pharmaceutical care is a pharmaceutical practice that is oriented toward the patients. In implementation, cooperation between pharmacists, patients, and other health professionals is needed to achieve the health goals. The main goal of pharmaceutical care is to achieve a positive result in improving the quality of life of patients in clinical, economic, and humanities aspects.

To achieve those aforementioned goals, strong cooperation with stakeholders has been initiated. Educational pharmacies, private sector pharmacies, government pharmacies, franchise pharmacies, community health centers, and other government agencies such as BPOM and Regional Health Office are examples of stakeholders that are reached for cooperation.

Foremost Research

  1. Quality use of medicine
    • Medication compliance
    • Qualitative study of barriers to therapy adherence
    • Qualitative Health Research
  2. Pharmaceutical Education Research
    • Continuing professional education of community pharmacist
    • Counseling : the client and the pharmacist
    • Empowering the pharmacy assistant
    • Create an education program to assist pharmacist in prescribing OTC product
  3. Practice Models
  • Standardization of clinical pharmacy activity documentation
  • Beneficial clinical outcomes resulting from pharmacist interventions
  • Prescribing indicators-useful tools for monitoring, improving and benchmarking prescribing
  1. Clinical Pharmacokinetics
  • Response rates and administration of drugs (in hospital)
  • Reproducibility of published protocols in literature
  • Population Pharmacokinetic modeling


Department Activities

  • Preceptor Training
  • International Seminars (ACCP)
  • Community Service (community development)

Teaching Staff

  1. Prof. Dr. Umi Athiyah, M.S.,Apt
  2. Dr. Wahyu Utami, MS.,Apt
  3. Dr. Yunita Nita, S.Si.,M.Pharm.,Apt
  4. I Nyoman Wijaya, S.Si.,Sp.FRS.,Apt
  5. Arie Sulistyarini, S.Si.,M.Pharm.,Apt
  6. Gusti Noorrizka V.A, S.Si.,M.Sc.,Apt
  7. Elida Zairina, S.Si.,M.P.H.,Ph.D.,Apt
  8. Hanni Prihastuti Puspitasari, S.Si.,M.Phil., Ph.D., Apt
  9. Anila Impian Sukorini, S.Si., M.Farm., Apt
  10. Ana Yuda, S.Si. M.Farm., Apt
  11. Mufarrihah, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt
  12. Catur Dian Setiawan, S.Farm., M.Kes., Apt
  13. Andi Hermansyah, S.Farm.,M.Sc., Ph.D., Apt
  14. Dr. apt. Yuni Priyandani, S.Si., Sp.FRS.
  15. Gesnita Nugraheni, S.Farm., M.Sc., Apt
  16. Dr. Abdul Rahem, M.Kes.,Apt