
Dr. apt. I Nyoman Wijaya, S.Si., Sp.FRS.


Jenjang Pendidikan


BACHELOR In PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE, Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia, (Sarjana Sain/S.Si.).


APOTHECARY PROGRAM, Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia (Apoteker/Apt.).



SPECIALIST In HOSPITAL PHARMACY, Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia, (Spesialis Farmasi Rumah Sakit/Sp.FRS.).

Doctor Ilmu Farmasi, Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia



Pharmacy Practice I-IV (Dispensing and Patient counseling), Clinical Pharmacy, and Public Health Pharmacy.


Research Interests

  • Patient’s Adherence
  • DRPs in Community Pharmacy
  • Prescribing Profile in the Community Pharmacy
  • Self Medication Services Profiles by the Community Pharmacy
  • Drug Information Services Profile in Community Pharmacy
  • Patient Knowledge on the Use of Medicine
  • Extemporaneus Compounding Profile in Community Pharmacy
  • patient satisfaction in the pharmaceutical services


Selected Publications

  1. Umi A, I Nyoman W, Soemiati, Azza F, Arie Sulistyarini, Gesnita N, Catur DS, Rofiah, Lidya R. Profil Penyimpanan Obat di Puskesmas Wilayah Surabaya Timur dan Pusat. Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia. Vol. 5 No. 23 Juli 2011. Pengurus Pusat Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia.p. 213-222
  2. I Nyoman W, Soemiati, Ekarina RH, Yunita N, Elida Z, Hanni PP., Arie Sulistyarini, Anila IS, Mufarrihah, Ana Yuda, Gesnita N, Rizky P, Wira K, Indah DML, Imma LR, Esty IP. Profil Peresepan Sediaan Terbagi di Apotek Wilayah Surabaya. Majalah Farmasi Airlangga, Vol 9, No. 2 Oktober 2011. Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga. p. 1-6
  3. I Nyoman Wijaya, Azza Faturrohmah, Ana Yuda, Mufarrihah, Tesa Giovani Soesanto, Dina Kartika, Whanni Wido Agustin, Hikmah P.N.S. Putri. Profil Penggunaan Obat pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus di Puskemas wilayah Surabaya Timur. Jurnal Farmasi KomunitasVol. 1, No. 1, (2014) 6-11
  4. I Nyoman Wijaya, Azza Faturrohmah, Whanni W. Agustin, Tesa G. Soesanto, Dina Kartika, Hikmah Prasasti N. S. P. Profil Kepatuhan Pasien Diabetes Melitus Puskesmas wilayah Surabaya Timur dalam Menggunakan Obat dengan Metode Pill Count. Jurnal Farmasi Komunitas Vol. 1, No. 1, (2015) 1-6
  5. Wijaya, I.N., Umi Athiyah, Fasich, Abdul Rahem, Andi Hermansyah. (2023). The association between drug therapy problems and blood pressure control of patients with hypertension in public health center setting. Journal of Public Health in Africa, volume 14(s1),2531.
  6. Wijaya, I.N., Umi Athiyah, Fasich, Andi Hermansyah. (2020). Knowledge, attitude, and practice of pharmacists towards management of hypertension in primary care centers. Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology.
  7. Muhammad Rizky Putrajaya, I Nyoman Wijaya, Gesnita Nugraheni1, 2019. Indonesia Towards Universal Health Coverage: Indonesia Health Card Holders Satisfaction on Pharmaceutical Service at Primary Health Cares. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, June 2019, Vol.10, No. 6.
  8. Assyifa Ilmi Auliya, I Nyoman Wijaya, Catur Dian Setiawan, Gesnita Nugraheni, 2019. BPJS Kesehatan Patients Satisfaction on Pharmaceutical Services in Community Health Center (PUSKESMAS)―South Surabaya Area. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, September 2019, Vol.10, No. 9.
  9. Wiwied Ekasari, Suko Hardjono, Sugijanto, Juni Ekowati, I Nyoman Wijaya, Tri Widiandani, 2021. The Knowledge Of Lombok Praya-Indonesia Regional Community On The Safety Use Of Medicinal Plants. Berkala Kedokteran, Vol. 17 No. 2, Sep 2021: 113-124.
  10. Abdul Rahem*, Yuni Priyandani, Arie Sulistyarini, Ana Yuda, I Nyoman Wijaya, Gusti Noorrizka Veronika Achmad, Gesnita Nugraheni, Wahyu Utami, Umi Athiyah, Liza Pristianty, Andi Hermansyah, 2022. Training On The Correct Use Of Drug And How To Overcome Side Effects For Tuberculosis (Tb) Patients In Pamekasan District. JPMIK, Vol. 3, No. 1, Januari 2022 : 01-06.


Poster Presentations

  1. Arie Sulistyarin, I Nyoman W, Azza F. Drug Therapy Problems on Hypertensive Patients in Community Health Centers East Surabaya. The 16th Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP 16), 14-18 July 2016.  Seoul. Korea. Poster
  2. Arie Sulistyarini, I Nyoman W, Andi H, Wahyu U, Ekarina RH, Catur DS . Compliance of Diabetic Patients in Community Health Centers. ACCP 14, 31 Oct-3 Nov 2014.  Kuala Terengganu. Malaysia. Poster
  3. Beril Fairus P, I Nyoman Wijaya, Umi Athiyah, Catur DS. Kepuasan Pasien BPJS terhadap Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Puskesmas wilayah Surabaya Barat. Rapat Kerja Nasional dan Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia 2016. 27-29 September 2016. The Alana Hotel Yogyakarta.
  4. Sri Eky W , Wijaya IN, Arie Sulistyarini. Profile of Antihipertension Drugs Prescribed at Farmasi Airlangga Pharmacy Surabaya. The 1st International Conference on Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Sciences. 14-15 November 2014. Pullman Hotel Surabaya.



I Nyoman Wijaya, S.Si.,Sp.FRS., Apt.

Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga

Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam Surabaya 60286

Phone.+62 31 5033710

Fax. +62 31 5020514


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