Being a foremost Faculty that is able to create a conducive academic climate to implement an efficient teaching and learning process with a highly useful outcome that will generate graduates who are honest, faithful, and able to develop pharmaceutical science and technology who has a sharp and analytical mind in applying their knowledge to solve pharmaceutical problems, a good ability in research, open-mindedness, flexibility, innovativeness, and an ability to balance themselves in playing their roles as positive change actors..
- Providing students with the academic climate that enables them to develop skills and abilities, as well as to develop a lifelong learning attitude for the rest of their careers;
- Implementing effective interactions and partnerships with educational institutions, research centers, industries, hospitals and other health centers, government agencies, professional organizations, and other members of the public for the sake of human welfare;
- Achieving a high-quality standard in the teaching and learning process, research and community service in pharmaceutical science and technology, as well as pharmaceutical service.
Department Activities
- Producing Good, Hygienic, and Halal Food for Small Enterprises in Surabaya
- Training on Proper Usage of Food Additives for PKK Housewives RW-02 Kelurahan Prapen Kecamatan Tenggilis Mejoyo Surabaya
- Training on Proper Usage of Food Additives for PKK Housewives RW-02 Kecamatan Candi Sidoarjo
Teaching Staffs
- Prof. Dr. Juni Ekowati, M.Si.,Apt
- Prof. Dr. H. Achmad Syahrani, MS., Apt
- Prof. Dr. Sudjarwo, MS.,Apt
- Prof. Dr. H. Djoko Agus Purwanto., M.Si.,Apt
- Prof. Dr. M. Yuwono, MS.,Apt
- Prof. Dr. Bambang Tri Purwanto, M.Si.,Apt
- Drs. Marcellino Rudyanto, M.Si.,Ph.D
- Dr. Suzana, MS.,Apt
- Drs. Hadi Poerwono, M.Sc.,Ph.D
- Dr. Nuzul Wahyuning Diyah, M.Si.,Apt
- Dr. Achmad Toto Poernomo, M.Si., Apt
- Dr. Riesta Primaharinastiti, S.Si., M.Si., Apt
- Dr. Tri Widiandani, S.Si.,Sp.FRS.,Apt
- Melanny Ika Sulistyowaty, S.Farm.,M.Sc.,Apt
- Febri Annuryanti, S.Farm.,M.Sc.,Apt
- Kholis Amalia Nofianti, S.Farm. M.Sc., Apt.
- Muhammad Faris Adrianto, S.Farm.,M.Farm.,Apt
- apt. Diajeng Putri Paramita, S.Farm., M.Si.
- apt. Farida Ifadotunnikmah, S.Farm., M.Sc., Ph.D.