
Guidelines for Oral Presentation

General Instructions

  • Each presenter will be given a time slot of 10 minutes in total, which is distributed as 7 minutes of presentation and up to 3 minutes of answering questions from the auditorium and changing of presenters at the podium. This allocated presentation time cannot be exceeded.
  • As the schedule of presentation sessions is tight it is of utmost importance that all presenters are ready and in time for their presentations. The introduction of each presenter will be kept brief when introduced by the moderator.
  • Some sessions are run in a fully hybrid mode, using the lecture room settings for on-site attendees combined with Zoom for virtual participants. This setup will allow both on-site and virtual attendees to follow and present in the session equally.
  • On-site presenters must give a live presentation, whereas virtual presenters are requested to present live but have the option to submit a pre-recorded talk should they be unable to be present due to time-zone differences, unstable internet connection, or other barriers.
  • Any participation in a session, whether virtually or on-site, as presenter or attendee, requires registration for the conference.
  • For virtual attendance, we strongly recommend downloading and using the Zoom client rather than accessing Zoom through the browser. To ensure sufficient quality, your bandwidth must have a capacity of at least 1 MBit/s upstream and 2 MBit/s downstream.
  • Please study our Guidance for preparing presentation files .
  • Please follow our Rules and guidance for giving your live presentation .
  • Oral presentation sessions will be held 10.00 am – 12.00 pm and 13.00 pm – 15.00 pm Saturday, 10 August 2024. You will receive notification of your presentation room and time in the 8 thof August 2024.



  1. All oral presenters/speakers are advised to upload any slides/PowerPoint Presentations you will be showing during the conference in advance to the
  2. Please use the IGSCPS 2024 oral presentation template .
  3. IGSCPS 2024 virtual background whichcan be found here is available for virtual presenters.
  4. Save the file with a name that includes your oral presentation number and abstract title, according to the following format _, for example: OP001_pharmacy practice challenges in Indonesia.ppt
  5. All presenters (regardless of whether presenting onsite or virtually) are requested to upload their file for the presentation in advance of the session. The presentation file must be uploaded on Thursday, 8 August 2024.
  6. Presenters (regardless of whether presenting onsite or virtually) are supposed to upload their slides for the presentation. The presentation file will only be shown during the live session. The file is not accessible either before or after the session by other participants.
  7. While on-site presenters must give a live presentation, virtual presenters are requested to present live, but have the option to submit a pre-recorded talk should they be unable to be present due to time-zone differences or an unstable internet connection. Such a pre-recorded presentation must not exceed the scheduled time duration for the talk.
  8. The presentation files can be in *.pdf, *.ppt/pptx, *.pps/ppsx, *.png, *.jpg, or *.mp4 format. The file size is limited to 10 MB per presenter for *.pdf, *.ppt/pptx, *.pps/ppsx, *.png, or *.jpg files, and to 65 MB for a *.mp4 video file.

Technical staff at the venue will prepare all oral presentations in advance by making sure that the scheduled presentations are available on the presentation computer in respective conference rooms in good time for the presentations. To make sure presentations run smoothly during the sessions you are expected to use the computer provided by IGSPCS 2024 while giving your presentation.

There will be a “Speaker Room” at the venue with administrative and technical staff who will answer questions you might have and provide service and help when needed. In the “Speaker Room” you may also preview your presentation on a computer with the same setup as the one used in your session.

If you have any questions or need of help, please contact our Conference Scientific Committee at 


Technical Requirements PowerPoint Presentations

  • Make sure your PowerPoint presentation is in 16:9 ratio (1,920 x 1,080 pixels).
  • Videos must be embedded in PowerPoint.
  • Do not use links to YouTube or other webservices in your presentations.
  • Please use fonts available in the Windows 10 system

Guidance for preparing your presentation files

  • Use font sizes that are large enough to be read for everyone.
  • For charts and maps, use color schemes that allow readers with color vision deficiencies to correctly interpret your findings
  • Ensure that all images in presentations that are not yours are credited, including those from Wikipedia or Google Image.

Rules and guidance for giving your presentation

  1. All presenters and any other persons involved in live sessions must be registered for the conference in order to obtain physical access to the conference center or virtual access to the Zoom meetings. Without a completed registration, you will not be able to attend any event at IGSCPS 2024, neither in person nor virtually.
  2. All presenters are advised to wear appropriate attire.
  3. For virtual presenters, we recommend that you find a quiet space for participating in the live session, preferably in a well-lit area and with a plain and neutral-colored backdrop. Lighting should illuminate your face (i.e., no window or light source behind you). Please use some form of external microphone or headset during your presentation, as internal computer microphones are often not able to provide sufficient quality sound.
  4. Virtual presenters who do not have a stable internet connection are encouraged to pre-record their presentations.
  5. Acceptance of an abstract and its inclusion in the programme of the IGSCPS obliges the author or one of the co-authors to present the contribution at the time and in the manner indicated, on-site or virtually, or to upload a pre-recorded presentation. If you know that your presentation will not be presented in either way, you are kindly asked to withdraw your abstract as soon as possible.


Audio/Visual Equipment

In addition to submitting your presentation online, please bring a copy of your presentation on a flash drive in PowerPoint or another Microsoft-compatible program/format. Screens in the presentation rooms are converted to a 16:9 aspect ratio for slides.

Speaker Ready Room

The Speaker Ready Room is in the Main Hall on level one of the buildings. Technical staff will be available on site for assistance throughout the conference.