
Manuscript Guideline

Applied to manuscript submitted to journal

The authors are invited to submit their papers for consideration of publication in the Pharmacy Education Journal, a SCOPUS Q3 - indexed journal  (WITH ADDITIONAL FEES)  published by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP).

Fullpaper submission is  OPEN . Authors can submit their full paper by filling out the form and uploading article which fits to the guideline. Any discrepancy to the guideline may result a rejection. Submission link: [CLOSED]

The authors are encouraged to use the  journal template . The  journal template  can be found  here

The IGSCPS 2024 committee reserves the right to exclude a manuscript from being published in the journal, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.  

  1. The committee only accepts a brief article ( 5-6 pages or maximum of 1,500 words excluding the title page, abstract, references, tables, and figure legends, but including the abbreviation list, acknowledgements, funding, disclosure statement, and author contributions). Please write concisely.
  2. The submission file for each manuscript is in Microsoft Word with two-column format. 
  3. The structure of each manuscript is consistent. We would normally expect a structured format for each manuscript along the lines of Abstract; Introduction/background; Aim/objective; Methods used; results; principal discussion and conclusion(s). Each section should start in new page.
  4. Style, statistical reporting, and reference citations should conform to the American Psychological Association's (APA) guidelines, from the APA Publication Manual, fifth edition. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided. (See Journal “Instructions for Authors” which is found in ‘About the Journal’ on our website). See more here:
    References should include a DOI in the hyperlink format, when available:, not DOI: 10.1080/14622299050011431
  5. Avoid excessive referencing. Only papers that have been published or are in press may be cited; unpublished data and personal communications should not be included in the reference list but may be included in the text. Obtaining permission to quote personal communications and unpublished data from the cited author is the responsibility of the Author.
  6. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in ‘About the Journal’ on our website. We would expect no more than 4 Figures/charts and/or tables to be included per manuscript.
  7. The text should be written in the 3rd person and be scholarly, readable, clear, and concise. Standard nomenclature should be used. Unfamiliar terms and acronyms should be defined at first mention.
  8. Table should be listed as roman, i.e. Table I, II, III, etc. Figure should be listed as number, i.e. Figure 1,2,3. Put tables and figures in the separate page, not in the main text. Please indicate the tables and figures position in the main text.
  9. The Authors will have to obtain all necessary permissions that may pertain to the manuscript submitted.
  10. The Authors will have disclosed all/any potential and actual conflicts of interest contained within the manuscript. Where there is no potential or actual conflict of interest, this does not have to be stated (for brevity of overall abstract length) but this remains the responsibility of the Author.
  11. Where human or animal subjects have been used, details of approval obtained from ethics review committee must be included.
  12. Where Informed Consent is required from participants, Authors have included a statement in the abstract detailing that it was obtained.
  13. The language quality of your manuscript is almost as important as the content. Therefore, it is mandatory that the authors seek suggestions from professional proofreader to ensure that even the smallest error in your manuscript has been resolved.  The authors will have to submit the evidence that their manuscript has been checked by a professional proofreader.