
About Us

About Us

Being an innovative and leading faculty on both national and international levels, a pioneer in the development of pharmaceutical science and technology, clinical and community pharmacy, and to generate graduates with excellent competences in pharmaceutical care based on religious morality.

The Higher Education Institution of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Airlangga - FF UNAIR), was founded on 17 August 1963 in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Sciences no. 96 1963 issued on 15 August 1963 and transformed to the Faculty of Pharmacy in 1965. Presently, there are six programs in the faculty,namely Apothecary Education on undergraduate and professional levels, Master Program of Pharmaceutical Sciences,

Master Program on Clinical Pharmacy, Specialist Program of Pharmacy, Doctoral Program on Pharmaceutical Sciences. Having been established for 59 years, FF UNAIR has succeeded in becoming #1st Rank in Indonesia according to the QS WUR by Subject version, FF UNAIR has also been accredited by LAM-PTKes (National) and ASIIN (International), and also AUN certified. FF UNAIR builds extensive collaboration with many agencies and companies, both domestically and overseas.


Faculty Overview

Faculty of Pharmacy in Numbers


Community Services conducted in 2024.


Number of researches performed in 2024


Number of publications indexed by published in 2024


Accreditation : 5 study programmes accredited Excellent


Professors out of 75 Tenured Lecturers


Lector Kepala (Assoc, Professors) out of 75 Tenured Lecturers


Active Student Body in Odd Semester Academic Year 2024/2025


Student's Achievements in 2023

Program Studi

Program studi yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga

Study Programs in Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga

Sarjana Farmasi

Jenjang Sarjana Farmasi ( S-1 )

Undergraduate Program

Profesi Apoteker

Jenjang Pendidikan Profesi Apoteker

Apothecary Education Program

Magister Ilmu Farmasi

Jenjang Magister Ilmu Farmasi ( S-2 Ilmu Farmasi )

Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences Program

Magister Farmasi Klinik

Jenjang Magister Farmasi Klinik ( S-2 Farmasi Klinik )

Master of Clinical Pharmacy Program

Doktor Ilmu Farmasi

Program Studi Program Doktor Ilmu Farmasi ( S-3 )

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Program

Berita Terbaru

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Jadwal UAS Semester Gasal 2024-2025 S1 Farmasi

Jadwal UAS Semester Gasal 2024-2025 Program Studi Sarjana Farmasi

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Benchmark Prodi Rekayasa Kosmetik ITERA ke FF UNAIR dan PUI-PT SCT UNAIR

Pada hari ini (17/12/2024) Program Studi Rekayasa Kosmetik ITERA melakukan benchmarking ke FF UNAIR dan PUI-PT SCT...

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Pengukuhan Guru Besar Baru FF UNAIR Prof. apt. Helmy Yusuf, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Selamat dan sukses untuk Prof. apt. Helmy Yusuf, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. yang telah meraih gelar Profesor atau Guru Besar pada bidang ilmu Teknologi dan Formulasi Sediaan Solida...

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Dr. Siti Hartini Hamdan Asal UniKL Malaysia Magang dan Lakukan Berbagai Aktivitas

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SMK Kesehatan Annisa Bogor Hadir Penuh Semangat di FF UNAIR Hingga Live Tiktok

Hari ini (12/12/2024) SMK Kesehatan Annisa Bogor berkunjung ke FF UNAIR untuk mempersiapkan studi lanjut dari para siswanya.

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Joint Workshop dengan UniKL "Cosmetics Acceptability"

Pada hari ini, 11 Desember 2024, PUI-PT Kesehatan Kulit dan Teknologi Kosmetik bekerjasama dengan...

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Mahasiswa MIF FF UNAIR Ikuti Kegiatan Joint Research di UiTM Malaysia

Tiga mahasiswa MIF FF UNAIR yaitu Firman Wicaksana, Maylisa Natalia Corry, dan Zunita Puspita Sari telah melaksanakan joint research...

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UNESA Lakukan Kunjungan ke FF UNAIR untuk Mendapat Insight Terkait Pendirian Prodi Baru

Setelah pada hari sebelumnya menerima 3 kunjungan, pagi ini (5/12/2024) FF UNAIR juga kembali menyambut kedatangan dari...

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Belajar Banyak dari PUI-PT Kesehatan Kulit dan Teknologi Kosmetik, Universitas Borneo Tarakan Berkunjung ke FF UNAIR

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