
Full Support from the Dean of FF UNAIR for the BPA Hazard Labeling Policy in Bottled Drinking Water

Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR), Prof. apt. Junaidi Khotib, M.Kes., Ph.D. has often voiced the dangers of the Bhispenol A (BPA) content in bottled drinking water or what is commonly called AMDK. He has voiced this a lot both on digital platforms and directly to the public. In fact, he massively suggested consuming drinking water products whose packaging has been proven to not contain BPA at every activity held by FF UNAIR.

Now Prof. Junaidi, his nickname, is like a breath of fresh air. On Monday (1/4/2024), BPOM, which is the highest authority and regulator of Indonesian food safety and quality, officially issued Head Regulation (Perka) Number 6 of 2024 as the second amendment to BPOM Regulation Number 31 of 2018 concerning Processed Food Labels.

Article 61A states, "Bottled drinking water that uses polycarbonate plastic packaging must include the words 'under certain conditions, polycarbonate packaging can release BPA in bottled drinking water' on the label."

He really supports and appreciates the government's steps in this regard.

"With the BPOM regulations regarding labeling, the public will be more educated and can choose products that guarantee health and prevent potential endocrine-related diseases," he said.

“The endocrine system can be disrupted, the effects are not immediately felt. "However, it is dangerous in the long term," he explained further.

His efforts in educating the public regarding this matter are a concrete form of implementation of SDGs 3, namely Good Health and Well-being.