After the first day of the Marine Drug Discovery and Development Conference ran smoothly, on the second day (5/9/2024) the activities also ran successfully until the closing of the event, attended by more than 80 participants. Still at the Morazen Hotel Surabaya, on the second day there were also 2 plenary sessions, 2 oral presentation sessions and 1 poster presentation session.
In plenary session 3, acting as moderator was Prof. apt. Rr. Retno Widyowati, Ph.D. The first speaker to deliver material was Prof. Yaswanth Pathak from the University of South Florida, USA entitled "Marine-based bioactive compounds: applications in nutraceuticals". Then Prof. David Sheehan from Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates explained "Nanoparticles as anthropogenic pollutants in marine organisms: A protein redox approach to identify protein targets". Then after that, it was continued by the Dean of FF UNAIR himself who was the speaker, namely Prof. apt. Junaidi Khotib, M.Kes., Ph.D. who shared knowledge related to "Unlocking opportunities for secondary metabolites of sea urchins in the development of active drug compounds".
Before plenary session 4 begins, an oral presentation for session 3 and a poster presentation for session 2 will be held.
Next, at plenary session 4, the Chair of the Marine Drug Discovery and Development Conference was the moderator. Mr. apt. Andang Miatmoko, S.Farm., M.Pharm.Sci., Ph.D. successfully hosted plenary session 4. Dr. Kai Bin Liew from the University of Cyberjaya, Malaysia had the first turn to present his material entitled "Chocolate based drug delivery system: creative and innovative way to overcome non-compliance". Then continued with Deputy Dean III FF UNAIR, Prof. apt. Dewi Melani Hariyadi, S.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. who shared knowledge on the topic "Pharmaceutical application of microspheres for pulmonary delivery".
At the end of the session the winners of best poster presenters and best oral presenters were announced.
This activity is a form of FF UNAIR's support to realize SDGs 3 related to Good Health and Well-being. Through this activity, participants can gain new knowledge related to health, especially pharmaceutical knowledge, even from various countries, which will be useful when they enter society.
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Marine Drug Discovery and Development Conference Hari Pertama Sukses Digelar