
FF UNAIR Masters and Doctoral Program Roadshow Continues to Makassar

After last week's roadshow to Banjarmasin, on Thursday (15/12/2022) the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) is again holding a roadshow to Makassar City, South Sulawesi to introduce the Master of Pharmacy, Master of Clinical Pharmacy, and Doctor of Science study programs Pharmacy.

The activity which took place in the Hall of the College of Pharmacy (STIFA) Makassar was attended by staff from several universities and hospitals in Makassar City.

Some of the universities invited to attend this activity were STIFA Makassar, Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, Mega Rezky University, Makassar Yamasi Pharmacy Academy, Makassar Polytechnic, Makassar Pancasakti University, Hasanuddin University Makassar, Muhammadiyah University Makassar, Indonesian Muslim University Makassar, and STIKES Nani Hasanuddin Makasar.

As for the list of invited hospitals, namely RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, RSIA Pertiwi Makassar, RSUD Haji Makassar, RS Grestelina Makassar, RS Islam Faisal Makassar, RS Stella Maris Makassar, RSAD TK II Pelamonia Makassar, RS Bayangkara Makassar, RS Hermina Makassar, RSU Bahagia Makassar, RS Primaya Makassar, RS Ibnu Sina Makassar, Hikma Makassar Hospital, Lumaray Makassar Hospital, Makassar Amanat RSIA, Makassar Catherina Booth RSIA, Makassar Ananda RSIA, Makassar Paramount RSIA, Makassar Daya Hospital, Hasanuddin University Hospital Makassar, and Laburan Baji Hospital Makassar.

In addition to the promotion agenda for master and doctoral study programs, this activity also held community service aimed at sharing knowledge related to research in the health sector.

The speakers who were lined up for the community service agenda this time were Prof. Dr. apt. Djoko Agus P., M.Sc. who is the Coordinator of the Pharmacy Science Doctoral study program. He delivered material entitled "Research Methodology in the Health Sector".

At the end of the event, the agenda for a group photo did not forget to capture the moment. In addition, FF UNAIR also gave a gift as a memento.