
Registration Guidelines


  1. To register on The Marine Drug Discovery and Development Conference 2024  is quite easy. If you would like to register as a oral & poster presenter you only need an abstract and full paper of your presentation and your short biodata. It is even simpler, if you register as a participant; you need only your biodata. Please submit it start from July 1st, 2024
  1. For registration process, please visit our website ( ) and navigate your mouse to "Registration > Registration" as shown below:

    You will be directed to the "Registration" page
  1. This is the registration form. Please fill all obligatory fields (marked with red asterisks *)

    and then click "Register" Button.

    At this point, you will get an e-mail from us. Please check your e-mail. If the e-mail is not in your Inbox folder, most likely it went to the Spam folder.
  1. In the future, to login on The Marine Drug Discovery and Development Conference 2024's website, please navigate your mouse to "Registration > My Account"
  1. You need your e-mail address and your password to login. By logging-in you will be able to edit your biodata, etc.
  1. Please contact us on email if you have problems with your registration on The Marine Drug Discovery and Development Conference 2024's website.



Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. Visit our website
  1. You need to register before submitting abstract (please follow the registration guideline) 
  1. Once registration is succesful, you need to log in using your username and password
  1. Please navigate your mouse to "My Account"


  1. To submit abstract, please click "Add Paper Title" and you will be directed to this page
    Add Paper Title

       Insert the abstract title, then click "Add Title" icon at the bottom of the page. 

  1. Navigate your browser to "My Account" -> "Upload Abstract/Paper", and you will be directed to the new page. Here you will see the abstract title, then click "Upload Abstract"

  2. Upload type, please select "abstract", choose the file, then click add paper

      Please remember that the committee only accept word doc or docx file. Please refer to the abstract guideline 





Payment Guidelines

  1. To upload the the proof of payment, please login to the website's conference ( ) or open the website ( ) and navigate your mouse to " Registration > Login " as shown below:

    You will be directed to the "Login" page
  2. Please login with the registered email and password
  3. After a successful login, please navigate your mouse to "My Account", and select click on "Upload Proof of Payment"

  4. You will be redirected to the Upload Proof of Payment page

  5. Complete the form by entering the amount paid, select the currency and select the file of proof of payment and include a node if necessary.
  6. Your payment status will be confirmed after the payment has been verified. Your payment receipt will be sent to your e-mail, and name of sender will be written in the official receipts.


Abstract Guidelines

All accepted and presented abstracts will be published in The Marine Drug Discovery and Development Conference 2024 abstract book

Please consider the following guidelines to facilitate the submission process and the subsequent follow-up process.

Basic format for abstract

  1. An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper's substance and should be structured (Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion). For short reports and narrative reviews, abstracts can be narrative (unstructured).
  2. It should be one paragraph with a word limit of approximately 200 words
  3. Keywords should be provided as a must (no more than six words).
  4. Keywords should be written in lowercase letters (not applicable to names/scientific names) and separated with commas.
  5. The abstract should not include subheadings, bullets, lists, or headers/footers.
  6. Abstract titles should be short but descriptive. Informative titles indicating key points are encouraged. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.
  7. Acronyms should be written in full in the first appearance of the text, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
  8. Always follow SI Units.
  9. Scientific names must be in italics.
  10. Chemical formulae should be written in a standard form, such as "CaCO3", not as "CaCO3". Use a zero before decimal points such as "0.45," not ".45."
  11. There shall be no citations or references in the abstract specifically. If there is a need to cite references, please provide the sources in brackets.
  12. Font
    a. Title: Times New Roman, 12 points, Upper case, Centered text in bold
    b. Body: Times New Roman, 11 points; Line spacing: 1, one text column
  13. Affiliations

  14. a. Affiliations should be indicated with superscript Arabic numbers at the end of surname/family name.
    b. A superscript asterisk should be used for the corresponding author
    c. Names of affiliations should be given, including the country.
    d. If there is more than one name and address, they should be related by superscript numbers.


Guidelines for the abstract structure

  • Abstracts should represent the original work.
  • Informative abstracts and critical abstracts are accepted.
  • The Abstract should be written in English.
  • Please indicate the most relevant themes for your abstract from the conference tracks.
  • Please download the abstract template and follow the format carefully.
  • Documents that do not conform to the guidelines will be asked to revise.
  • Documents received after the given deadline due to any reason, will not be accepted unless the deadline is extended.
  • The abstract should be submitted in the format of MS Word (.doc or .docx) document.

Once you prepared your abstract according to the above guidelines,

  • Submit your abstract using the abstract submission system available at your participant account
  • After submission, you will be acknowledged for the abstract's receipt sent to your email automatically.
  • Your abstract will undergo a double-blind peer review by the scientific committee within a week after its receipt.
  • Results of the abstract review will be sent to the author until 22nd August, 2024
  • The conference chair serves as the head of the scientific committee and will take the final decision on abstracts.
  • If a revision is required, the revised abstract must be sent back within a week.



  • All abstract submissions will be considered for either Poster or oral presentation.
  • Oral presentation authors are invited to deliver their presentations during the conference and compete for the best oral presentation award. Likewise, authors with the best design and delivery for poster presentations will have a chance to win the best poster award.