Conference Dates : September 4th-5th, 2024
Early Bid : Before August 1st, 2024
Regular : August 1st– September 2nd, 2024
On-site Registration : September 4th-5th, 2024
Abstract submission deadline : August 15st, 2024
Registration Closed : September 2nd, 2024
Abstract acceptance notification start from : Until August 22th, 2024
Full paper submission due : October 7th, 2024


The 2024 Marine Drug Discovery and Development Conference  will be held for two days (September 4-5, 2024). Conference activities include keynote lectures, plenary, symposiums, and poster presentations with the following agenda details:


Day 1: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Venue: Peacock 1 Meeting Room (7th Fl.), Morazen Surabaya, Indonesia



08.00 – 09.00


09.00 – 09.50

Opening ceremony

Indonesia Raya-Hymne Airlangga

Traditional Dance

Welcome Speech (Chairman and Rector UA)

Opening Remark (Dean of FFUA)

Photo session

09.50 – 10.35

Keynote speech

Prof. Khuloud T. Al-Jamal (King’s College London, UK)

10.35 – 11.00

Plenary session 1 (Moderator: apt. Andi Hermansyah, Ph.D.)

Speaker 1: Prof. Dr. Geert van den Bogaart

(University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

11.00 – 11.25

Speaker 2: Prof. Minoru Narita

(Hoshi University, Japan)

11.25 – 11.50

Speaker 3: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. apt. Marianti A. Manggau

(Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia)

11.50 – 12.10

Q & A

12.10 – 13.00

Break and pray time

13.00 – 13.30

Poster presentation session 1

13.30 – 14.40

Oral presentation session 1

14.40 – 15.00

Coffee break (mini seminar)

15.00 – 15.25

Plenary session 2 (Moderator: apt. Suciati, Ph.D.)

Speaker 4: Dr. Kishneth Palaniveloo

(University of Malaya, Malaysia)

15.25 – 15.50

Speaker 5: Dr. Angela Salim

(The University of Queensland, Australia)

15:50 – 16.05

Q & A

16.10 – 17.00

Oral presentation session 2

17.00 – 17.05

Closing day 1


Day 2: Thursday, September 5, 2024

Venue: Peacock 1 Meeting Room (7th Fl.), Morazen Surabaya, Indonesia




08.30 – 09.00


09.00 – 09.25

Plenary session 3 (Moderator: Prof. apt. Rr. Retno Widyowati, Ph.D.)

Speaker 6: Prof. Yaswanth V. Pathak

(University of South Florida, USA)

09.25 – 09.50

Speaker 7: Prof. David Sheehan

(Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates)

09.50 – 10.15

Speaker 8: Prof. apt. Junaidi Khotib, Ph.D.

(Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia)

10.15 – 10.35

Q & A

10.35 – 12.05

Oral presentation session 3

12.05 – 12.35

Poster presentation session 2

12.35 – 13.20

Lunch and pray time

13.20 – 15.20

Oral presentation session 4

15.20 – 15.35

Coffee break

15.35 – 16.00

Plenary session 4 (Moderator: apt. Andang Miatmoko, Ph.D.)

Speaker 9: Dr. Kai Bin Liew

(University of Cyberjaya, Malaysia)

16.00 – 16.25

Speaker 10: Prof. apt. Dewi Melani Hariyadi, Ph.D.

(Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia)

16.25 – 16.40

Q & A

16.40 – 17.00

Award ceremony and closing




Oral Presentation Session 1


Time: Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 13.30 – 14.40

Topic: Clinical and Community Pharmacy


1) Dr. apt. Wenny Putri Nilamsari

2) apt. Dinda Monika Nusantara Ratri, M.Farm.Klin.


Abstract ID

Presenter’s name



Muhamad Frendy Setyawan

The Comparison on Level of Penetration and Concentration of Bedaquiline and Clofazimine into the Brain Parenchyma Compared to in the Blood Plasma: A Systematic Review and Individual Case Reports Analysis


Ida Adhayanti

Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Self-Medication in Makassar: Correlation with Educational Level and Demographic Factors


I Nyoman Wijaya

Profile of Stress Therapy Utilization among College Students in East Surabaya



Analysis of Differences in the Effects of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Drugs (TKI) on Tumor Response Evaluation Parameters in NSCLC Lung Cancer Patients


Citra Aulia Silvia

Analysis of the Suitability Application of Chemotherapy Regimentation for NSCLC-Type Lung Cancer Towards the Lung Cancer Guidelines Carried Out at the Regional General Hospital of Dr. Soetomo Surabaya


Muhammad Haqqi Shiddiq

Study of Antibiotic Use in Orthopedic Surgery Patients (The Study Was Conducted at The Orthopedic Surgery Inpatient Installation of Universitas Airlangga Hospital Surabaya)



Oral Presentation Session 2

Time: Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 16.10 – 17.00

Topic: Pharmaceutical Technology


1) Dr. apt. Neny Purwitasari

2) apt. Yusuf Alif Pratama, M.Farm.


Abstract ID

Presenter’s name



Ahmad Shahrul Mubarok

Formulation Optimization of Ursolic Acid Proniosomes with Maltodextrin and Chitosan Addition Using Design of Experiments


Dzakiya Zhihrotulwida

Astaxanthin-loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carriers Using a Combination of Cetyl Palmitate and Soybean Oil: Stability, In Vitro Release, and In Vivo Antiaging Effectiveness Studies


Rifda Tarimi Octavia

Optimization and Characterization of Liposomal Ropivacaine Prepared for Long-Acting Anesthesia Injection


Augia Fediani Nugroho

Comparative Study of Organogel and Emulgel for Amniotic Mesenchymal Stem Cell Metabolite Products-Loaded Transfersomes Delivery System in Diabetic Wound Healing (In Alloxan-Induced Mice)


Berlian Sarasitha Hariawan

Development of Liposomal Amniotic Mesenchymal Stem Cell Metabolite Products (AMSC-MP) loaded-Scaffold for In Vitro Osteogenesis Induction


Oral Presentation Session 3

Time: Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 10.35 – 12.05

Topic: Pharmacology and Biomedical Sciences


1) apt. Zamrotul Izzah, Ph.D.

2) apt. Gesnita Nugraheni, M.Sc.


Abstract ID

Presenter’s name



Muhamad Frendy Setyawan

An Analysis of the Trend of Incidences and Fatality of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in East Java from 2015-2020: A Lesson from COVID-19


Deshanda Kurniawan Prayoga

The Potential of Cyanidin, Demethoxycurcumin, and Gallic Acid of Etlingera elatior Inflorescence to Interact with Human Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS) Through an In Silico Pharmacology


Amar Daud Iskandar Abdullah

In Vitro and In Vivo Models for Screening Neuroprotective Compounds in Traumatic Brain Injury


Rizky Amalia Purnama Putri

Analysis of Chemotherapy Delay on Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Disease-Related Symptoms in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients


Alifia Dhia Rahmadhani

Effect of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs) Decrease Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio and Disease-Related Symptoms in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)


Swastika Bintang Prameysti

Analysis of Delayed Chemotherapy Administration on Tumor Response Evaluation Using Imaging Parameters in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients


Widya Mega Rahmawati

Nephroprotection of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Congongrass (Imperata cylindrica) Root in Mice Acute Kidney Injury Model with Folic Acid Induction


Anita Purnamayanti

Sub-chronic Nephrotoxicity of Remdesivir Intravenous Injection in Rats


Bambang Subakti Zulkarnain

Dual Antiplatelet Therapy (DAPT) Cessation in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI): A Systematic Review



Oral Presentation Session 4

Time: Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 13.20 – 15.20

Topic: Natural Product and Drug Development


1) apt. Farida Ifadotunnikmah, Ph.D.

2) Melanny Ika Sulistyowaty, Ph.D.


Abstract ID




Khairunnisa Sy

In Silico Study of Kaempferol and Yamogenine as the Potential Compounds from Solanum Torvum Against Breast Cancer by Targeting Erα, PR, and HER2


Intan Kris Prasetyanti

Metabolite Profiling of Compounds from Ulva lactuca Ethanol Extract and Ethyl Acetate Extract Using UPLC-QTOF-MS/MS


Luthfi Ahmad Muchlashi

Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Molecular Docking of 3-Amino-7-Chloro-2-Phenylquinazolin-4(H)-One Derivatives as Potential Analgesics


Anang Setyo Wiyono

Synthesis of 4-Chloro-5-O-Benzoylpinostrobin Compound as an Anti-Inflammatory


Pinus Jumaryatno

Chemistry of Secondary Metabolites from South-East Queensland Marine Sponge Pseudoceratina sp.


Ida Kristianingsih

The Influence of Monostearin and Miglyol 812 Concentration Variation on the Release and Anti-inflammatory Effectiveness of Nanostructured Lipid Carrier Vitamin D3


Nanda Intan Aulia

Optimization of Polyethylene Oxide Structure Modification by Addition of 1,4-Diamino Crosslinker Towards Stabilization of Poloxamer P84 Micelle Structure Containing Hesperetin


Angelica Kresnamurti

In-Silico Study of Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Activity of 70% Ethanol Extract of Diadema setosum Compounds


Herni Setyawati

The Compound and Immunomodulatory Activity In Vitro of Zingiber officinale var. roscoe, Zingiber officinale var. amarum, and Zingiber officinale var. rubrum Extracts


Yayu Mulsiani Evary

Role of Solvents and Ratio of Simplicia:Solvents on the Concentration of Phenolics, Flavonoids and Antioxidant Activity of Torch Ginger Fruit (Etlingera elatior)


Lestyo Wulandari

Application of Calibration Chemometric Model for Determination of Moisture Content of Coffee Powder Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy


Muhammad Idham Shukor

Optimization Strategy Using Response Surface Methodology for Extraction of Ulvan Polysaccharides from Chlorophyta sp. Ulva Lactuca: A Comparative Study of Extraction Efficiency


Poster Presentation Session 1

Time: Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 13.00 – 13.30


Abstract ID




Lilis Suryani

Antibacterial Activity of Bacteriocins Against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus


Melanny Ika Sulistyowaty

Identification of Halichondria panicea Marine Sponge Symbiotic Bacteria Isolated from Cabbiya Madura Coast and Optimization of Media for Producing Its Antibacterial Metabolite


Zamrotul Izzah

Saliva-based Monitoring on a Mobile Microvolume Spectrophotometer: Challenges for Antiretrovirals


Putri Antika Yusniasari

Formulation and Evaluation of Topical Herbal Microgel from 70% Ethanol Extract of Yellow Root (Arcangelisia flava (L.) Merr.)


Zahra Penta Apsari Ginting

The Effect of Tween Type in Combination with Tween and Span 80 Surfactants on the Characteristics and Physical Stability of Quercetin Nanostructured Lipid Carriers


Septian Dwi Mulyana

Enhancing Chitosan - Carboxymethyl Chitosan Composite Film Properties by Silver Nanoparticles Grafting for Acne Vulgaris



Analysis of Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern at Indonesian Teaching Hospital in Pediatric


I Nyoman Wijaya

Antibiotic Usage Trends in Pediatric Patients at Indonesian Teaching Hospital


Yuni Priyandani

Good Knowledge Supports Adherence Taking Iron-Folic Acid Suplementation Tablets Among Female Students


Faisal Akhmal Muslikh

Toxicological Test and Antioxidant Activities of Extract Ethanol Purple Corn (Zea mays L.) Using Danio rerio Embryonic Model


Farida Ifadotunnikmah

Binding Study of Fucoxanthine and Antibacterial Compounds in Sargassum Spp by In Silico Molecular Docking into Target Proteins from Methicilline Resistant Staphylococcus aureus


Arie Sulistyarini

Clients' Perception and Willingness to Use Healthy Lifestyle Promotion Services at Pharmacy


Gusti Noorrizka Veronika Achmad

Understanding Postnatal Factors Contributing to Stunting in Children Under Five Years: A Study at The Kedungadem Primary Health Center, Bojonegoro Regency


Fransisca Fita Meiliyana

In Vitro Evaluation of The Combination of Ferulic Acid, Daidzein, and Genistein in Cancer HeLa Cell, Cancer LLC Cell, and Vero Cell


Kusma Ayu Pratiwi

Barriers to Fulfillment of Micronutrient Supplementation in the First 1000 Days of Life in Mothers with Stunted Toddlers in Lamongan


Poster Presentation Session 2

Time: Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 12.05 – 12.35


Abstract ID





Marine Sponge Aaptos suberitoides as Cholinesterase Inhibitor



Potency of Soft Coral Sinularia sp. as Cholinesterase Inhibitor: In Vitro and In Silico Studies


Anita Puspa Widiyana

Major Phytochemicals of Boesenbergia pandurata Rhizome by LC-HRMS: Virtual Screening of Staphylococcus aureus Inhibition


Yossy Prastyo

EGCG Patch Formulation with Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) and Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) Polymer as Anti-Acne: Test Against Propionibacterium acnes Bacteria


Devy Maulidya Cahyani

Nanoparticle Tools for Maximizing Oral Drug Delivery


Farika Dyani Laksmi

The Effect of Various Total Concentrations of Surfactant Combinations Span 80 and Tween 80 on the Physicochemical Characteristics and Physical Stability of Quercetin Nanostructured Lipid Carriers


Sumarno Sumarno

Analysis of Correlation of Leptin Levels on Body Weight in Pediatric Epileptic Seizures with Valproic Acid Monotherapy



Analysis of Bacterial Patterns and Antibiotic Sensitivity Patterns in General Surgery Patients


Shafa Azaria

Influence of Polymer Concentration Ratio on Physical Characteristics of Alginate-Pectin Pulmospheres


Muh Agus Syamsur Rijal

Development of a Mixed Micelle Formula Combining Pluronic P84 and F127 as a Hesperetin Delivery System Using Central Composite Design


Andang Miatmoko

Stealth Liposome for Dual Loading of Ferulic Acid and Doxorubicin: Characterization and In Vitro Anticancer Study


Angelika Gratia Liempepas

Effect of Sodium Alginate-Carrageenan Concentration of Rifampicin Pulmospheres on the Physical Characteristics and Drug Release


Gusti Noorrizka Veronika Achmad

Impact of Medication Adherence on Quality of Life in Tuberculosis Patients


Alika Sabrina Mahalaksmi

The Effect of Anhydrous Lanolin and Cetostearyl Alcohol on Emulsifying-Base Ointment as a Delivery System for AMSC-MP in Diabetic Wound Healing (Study on Alloxan-Induced Mice)


Gesnita Nugraheni

Evaluating the Impact of One-on-One Video Education on Medication Safety Knowledge among Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers in Surabaya





Global health is an increasingly urgent and complex issue in this new era. Demographic changes, technological developments, the rise of communicable and non-communicable diseases, and other public health challenges require collaboration and innovative healthcare strategies. Health challenges continue to grow with changes in disease patterns, the spread of pandemics, and the increasing burden of chronic diseases. Increasing public expectations for quality, affordable, and sustainable healthcare requires stakeholders in the pharmaceutical and health sciences sectors to develop effective strategies.

Technological developments and innovations in pharmacy and health sciences have changed the healthcare landscape. The use of artificial intelligence, the development of new drugs, gene therapies, and digital technologies provide new opportunities for global health transformation. Similarly, an effective healthcare strategy is key to achieving optimal health outcomes in this new era.

The conference aims to provide a platform for pharmacists, health scientists, academics, practitioners, and related stakeholders to share knowledge, experience, and innovation to meet global health challenges. Through scientific presentations, panel discussions, and poster sessions, participants will gain the latest and best insights into the fields of pharmacy and health sciences.

In addition, the development of multiparty international collaboration in research, conferences, publications, and community development is significant in supporting the achievement of World Class University (WCU) by QS and THE in terms of Research Reputation and International Research Network (IRN). The Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FP UNAIR) and the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University (FP UNHAS) have had an excellent cooperative relationship in the tri dharma of higher education, especially in research that produces innovations and joint publications. The strength of natural resources, especially the ocean, unites the two institutions in the exploration, development, and downstream of marine materials to become medicines that support efforts to improve public health nationally and globally. Thus, the benefits and reach of cooperation will be accelerated and expanded by involving universities abroad, such as Freie Universitat Berlin. The three parties will complement each other according to their respective potentials to support the development of pharmaceuticals globally.

By developing International Collaboration Networks with university partners at home and abroad, especially those with development programs in pharmaceutical technology and pharmacology in the form of a consortium, it will be able to increase global recognition in all institutions involved. This collaboration can be carried out, among others, by organizing conferences and joint publications. This will significantly increase scientific communication's intensity, resulting in broader recognition.

Therefore, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlanga, in collaboration with Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia, and Freie University, Germany, held a scientific discussion forum: The Marine Drug Discovery and Development Conference 2024 with the theme "Marine Pharmacy Development and Sustainable Planetary Diversity."

For further information, please contact us at: 



Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga,

Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building

Campus C UNAIR,

Jl. Mulyorejo, Surabaya



Telp : +62-31-5937824



Plenary Speakers

Prof. Khuloud Al-Jamal

(King’s College London, England)


Prof. Dr. apt. Noorma Rosita

(Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia)


Prof. Junaidi Khotib

(Universitas Airlangga)


Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Marianti A. Manggau, Apt

(Universitas Hasanuddin)


Prof. Dr. Burkhard Kleuser

(Freie University)


Prof. dr. Geert van den Bogaart

(Groningen University)


Prof. David Sheehan

(Khalifa University)


Dr. Angela Salim

(Queensland University)


Dr. Kishneth Palaniveloo

(Malaya University)


Prof. Minoru Narita

(Hoshi University)


Prof. Yashwant Pathak

(University of South Florida)


Organizing Committee

Committee Members


Prof. apt. Junaidi Khotib, S.Si., M.Kes., Ph.D

Prof. apt. Dewi Melani Hariyadi, S.Si., M.Phil., Ph.D

Apt. Mahardian Rahmadi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D

Dr. apt. Riesta Primaharinastiti, S.Si., M.Si



  • Andang Miatmoko, Ph.D., Apt.


  • Ahmad Dzulfikri Nurhan, M.Farm., Apt.

Administration & Secretariat

  • Dinda Monika N.R., M.Farm.Klin, Apt.
  • Gesnita Nugraheni, M.Sc., Apt.
  • Dr. Yuni Priyandani, Apt.


  • Ana Yuda, M.Farm., Apt.
  • Kholis Amalia, M.Sc., Apt.
  • Anik Pujiati, SE
  • Danny Zulkarnain

Scientific Program

  • Suciati, Ph.D., Apt.
  • Zamrotul Izzah, Ph.D., Apt.
  • Dr. Wenny Putri N., Apt.
  • Farida Ifadotunnikmah, Ph.D., Apt.
  • Chrismawan Ardianto, Ph.D., Apt.

Event Management

  • Gusti Noorizka V.A., M.Sc., Apt.
  • Arie Sulistyarini, M.Pharm., Apt.
  • Anila Impian S., M.Farm., Apt.
  • Dr. Sumarno, Apt.
  • Dr. Neny Purwitasari, Apt.
  • Prof. Retno Widyowati, Ph.D., Apt.
  • Mellanny Ika S., Ph.D., Apt.
  • Dr. I Nyoman Wijaya, Apt.

Publication and Documentation

  • Diajeng Putri Paramita, M.Si., Apt.
  • Susmiandri, S.Kom
  • Siti Farida

Information and Technology

  • Deddy Dwi Sutanto, S.Farm
  • M. Fuad Sofyan, A.Md


  • Firmansyah Ardian P., M.Farm. Apt.
  • Yusuf Alif P., M.Farm. Apt.
  • Furqan Daniel Akhsani Taqwim, S.Kom.
  • Sudarmadji

Catering Organizer

  • Dr. Samirah, Apt.
  • Tutik Aryani, M.Si., Apt.


  • Andi Hermansyah, Ph.D., Apt.
  • Prof. Dr. Juni Ekowati, Apt.
  • Dr. Abdul Rahem, Apt.