  1. Please dowload the abstract template in the MS Word DOCX or DOC format.

  2. Abstract should be prepared according the following guidelines:


Maximum of 25 words

Authors' details :

Full first and family names for all authors, without academic title. The presenting author should be marked with an asterisk (*)

Affiliation details: Department, Institution, City, State (if relevant), Country

E-mail address and phone number of the presenting author should be provided (please refer to the abstract template)

Abstract :

Maximum of 300 words. Abstract should have this format : Backgrounds/Objectives/Methods/Results/Conclusion.

Keywords :
Put 4-5 words separated with comma

  1. Font style, font size, font face (normal, bold, or underline), spacing, paragraph alignment, etc, for the abstract should refer to the abstract template.

  2. The abstract should NOT contain figure, table, sketch, or reference.

  3. Upon submitting the abstract, authors will be asked to indicate for which presentation (oral or poster) they wish to submit their abstract.

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