
Optimization of Herbal Medicine Utilization for the Health of Wajik Village Residents, Lamongan District, Lamongan Regency

The community service program by the academic community of the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga was held in Lamongan Regency (18/11 and 30/11 2018). After routine visits to the region, this year the program continues with the theme of optimization of medicinal plant utilization for public health. The theme selected is closely related to the faculty roadmap, namely the effort to improve the use of herbal ingredients of complementary medicine. The focus of this program is the maintenance of family health and house enviroment, with Wajik Village in Lamongan Regency, Lamongan District being the target area.

For the 1,702 village residents, various types of plants that grow in their vicinity have become a part of their daily lives. This closely relates to the daily livelihood of residents, who are working as farmers. this means that the natural ingredients found in medicinal plants are available, namely those that can be seen since entering the village area.

With a fertile environment, then there is a big chance of residents living healthy in perpetuity. That is why the material delivered by the Community Service Team of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry is the utilization of various types of spices, leaves, fruits, traditional medicine mixtures, and aromatherapy. 

During her lecture, Prof. Dr. Mangestuti Agil, MS, Apt., emphasized the great natural potential that provides various vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the health of body cells. "The cell as the smallest unit of the body of each biological organism needs the supply of various macro and micro nutrients available in the nature to be in a healthy state," she explained. Regularity and discipline are necessary in the consumption, she further added. 

The cell as the smallest unit of the body of each biological organism needs the supply of various macro and micro nutrients available in the nature to be in a healthy state

This event attended by the Organizing Team of Village Neighborhood Association provided training and demonstration of the production of herbal ingredient-based based drink, namely Pokak MaduraPokak drink is made of natural ingredients and recipes native to Sumenep, including gula siwalan from Sumenep. The quality of these unique materials provide a distinct taste, which is different when the drink is made of ingredients from other regions.

Pokak is an Indonesian drink made of the mixture of various herbal natural ingredients, hence rich in substances beneficial to health.

The demonstration on how to utilize Madurese salt mixed with various spices was done during the activity as a natural method to deal with muscle fatigue safely without using conventional drugs. The warmed compressed sea salt is useful to help deal with pain, stiffness of muscle, and stiffness of neck and shoulder joints. "This of course needs to be accompanied by a healthier lifestyle," said  Tutik Sri Wahyuni, MSi., Apt.PhD. in her lecture.

At the end of the event, Drs. Herra Studiawan, MS, Apt. shared his personal experience in utilizing bittergourd juice to control blood glucose levels. "Success will be proven on people that adhere to a healthy lifestyle, namely exercising every day, regulating caloric intake with high discipline, drinking adequate amounts of water, and having enough sleep," he pointed out. Dra. Rakhmawati, MS., Apt. shared her personal experience in managing the health of her family with various medicinal plants. "It's not complicated. Try to use the leaves of guava that's easily obtainable. Boil the leaves and drink the water regularly to help maintain the health of pancreatic cells so diabetic problems can be prevented," she explained.

It's not complicated. Try to use the leaves of guava that's easily obtainable. Boil the leaves and drink the water regularly to help maintain the health of pancreatic cells so diabetic problems can be prevented

The community service program that ran over two days of meetings consist of lectures and trainings on the use of aromatherapy to help create a relaxed condition for families and environment cleanliness. Relaxation through inhaling and applying aromatic ingredients from nature is very appropriate to deal with stress and tensions that trigger health problems. The essential oils contained in herbal ingredients work as antibacterial, antidepressant, reducing insomnia, and many more. "An aromatic fragrance will make everyone joyful, and joy is the key to achieve a healthy life," said Mangestuti.  

The 47 participants brought home parcels that contain several aromatic products made of original citronella oil, namely bathing soap and floor cleaner.

The Community Service Program of the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga is held annually as a pillar of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Good Deeds of the Higher Education Institution). This is a way to conduct the dissemination of science, research results, and application of technology for the community. "The community has to be healthy physically and mentally. This is necessary to materialize changes in social behavior and improve the economy to the better direction. Those kind of changes are part of the responsibility of the academic community in colleges, said Dewi Melani Hariyadi, SSi, MPhil, PhD,Apt., The Vice-Dean III of the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga (Mangestuti).


Prof. Dr. Mangestuti Agil, MS., Apt. sebagai penceramah pada Program Pengabdian Masyarakat di Desa Wajik, Kecamatan Lamongan, Kabupaten Lamongan

Prof. Dr. Mangestuti Agil, MS., Apt. giving lecture during the Community Service Program in Wajik Village, Lamongan District, Lamongan Regency



Drs. Herra Studiawan, MS, Apt. dan Dra. Rakhmawati, MS., Apt. berbagi pengalaman pribadi pemanfaatan tanaman obat untuk kesehatan.


Drs. Herra Studiawan, MS, Apt. and Dra. Rakhmawati, MS., Apt. shared personal experiences in utilizing medicinal plants for health.


Pembuatan ramuan minuman Pokak Madura oleh alumni dan mahasiswa D-4 Battra Universitas Airlangga

The production of Pokak Madura drink formula by the alumni and students of D-4 Traditional Medicine Universitas Airlangga


Foto bersama peserta pelatihan aromaterapi

Photo session with participants of aromatherapy training