
Offline Final Exams, FFUNAIR Implements Strict Health Protocols

To start the year of 2022, Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga carries out the semester's final exams via offline while implementing a strict health protocol. The facilities to support the protocol have been well prepared  by the Faculty. The PEDULILINDUNGI application's barcode has been placed on the entry point so that everyone visiting the building can be properly monitored. Hand washing stations are also placed near the entrance.


Pedulilindungi Barcode and Handwashing Stations before entrering Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building (Faculty of Pharmacy)

Upon entry, students are required to check for the body temperature. If the temperature is above normal, the student will be asked to rest in the transit area in the lobby untill the temperature is stabilized. This is to make sure that the high temperature is caused by health condition or external factors. Handsanitizers and medical masks are also provided in the lobby for the students who need them. When entering the building, the students are not allowed to form a croud and must maintain a safe distance.


protocol when students enter the building


Pada ruang ujian, prokes juga masih tetap dijalankan dengan memberikan jarak pada masing-masing kursi mahasiswa. Di dalam ruangan juga tidak lupa disediakan handsanitizer. Ujian dilaksanakan secara paperless test online dengan menggunakan platform LMS Hebat E-learning sehingga mengurangi kontak antara peserta ujian dan petugas ujian pada saat membagikan soal dan lembar jawaban ujian. Selain itu, para peserta ujian juga tidak diperkenankan untuk meminjam maupun meminjamkan alat tulis kepada peserta ujian lain demi meminimalisir kontak fisik. 

ruang ujian

Ketua Direktorat Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Dr. apt. Sukardiman, MS. juga melakukan kunjungan ke Fakultas Farmasi untuk memantau pelaksanaan UAS luring ini. Beliau melakukan kunjungannya ke beberapa ruangan termasuk ruangan CBT center yang pada saat itu juga digunakan sebagai ruang ujian.