
Wanting to Become an FF UNAIR Student, SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya Students Make a Visit to FF UNAIR

Muhammadiyah 2 High School Surabaya Students Visit FF UNAIR

Starting this week, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR) received a visit from SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya. Hundreds of teachers and students from SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya attended the Nani Building at 09.00 WIB. They were immediately directed by the committee on duty to enter the hall where a series of visiting activities were being carried out.

The visit began with an opening and prayer. Then next, representatives of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya were invited to give a speech. The representative from FF UNAIR who gave the speech was Dr. apt. Neny Purwitasari, S.Farm., M.Sc. as Coordinator of the Student Affairs Commission.

Apart from giving a speech, Mrs. Neny also presented the FF UNAIR profile so that it would be better known to teachers and students at SMA Muhammadiyah 2. Don't forget to play the FF UNAIR profile video as additional information.

Of course, all teachers and students were very enthusiastic about capturing all the information related to FF UNAIR. This information was what they really needed, so they made a visit to FF UNAIR. The students admitted that many of them wanted to continue their studies at FF UNAIR. This was proven when asked by the event guide whether any of them wanted to become FF UNAIR students, the students immediately raised their hands indicating that they had a dream to become FF UNAIR students.

After that, teachers and students were invited to ask questions. On that occasion, they asked many questions, not only about tips for being accepted at FF UNAIR, issues related to the world of pharmacy were also asked, such as the availability of raw materials and drug prices in Indonesia. Students also asked about job prospects for FF UNAIR graduates. Not only that, tuition fees, campus organizational life, campus activities both nationally and internationally are also the most frequently asked questions.

The questions by the teachers and students were answered in detail by the members of BEM FF UNAIR who were present at that time. Mrs. Neny and the Student Affairs Commission team also helped them in answering questions.