
5th visit this week, SMAN 6 Bogor came to FF UNAIR

SMAN 6 Bogor Hadir ke FF UNAIR

On Friday, 7 February 2025, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR) received a visit from SMAN 6 Bogor. The series of visiting events held in the Nani Building Hall was attended by more than 40 groups from SMAN 6 Bogor consisting of teachers and students.

Even though they had traveled quite tiringly from Bogor City to Surabaya City, the students still seemed enthusiastic about participating in the entire series of activities until the end. At that time, after the event was opened by the event guide, the national anthem Indonesia Raya along with the Airlangga Hymn was played to start the event.

Afterwards, remarks were delivered by representatives of FF UNAIR and SMAN 6 Bogor. Dr. apt. Neny Purwitasari, S.Farm., M.Sc. as Coordinator of the Student Affairs Commission who at that time gave a speech representing FF UNAIR.

The agenda then continued with an introduction to the FF UNAIR profile by Mrs. apt. Diajeng Putri Paramita, S.Farm., M.Si. or Mrs. Putri as she is familiarly known, who is a member of the FF UNAIR Student Affairs Commission. The explanation session regarding the FF UNAIR profile seemed to be the most interesting agenda for students. They looked full of enthusiasm and listened carefully to all the explanations from Mrs. Putri.

The high enthusiasm of the students was also shown during the question and answer session. The questions coming from students seemed to never stop. They asked several things related to the world of lectures, organizations, student activity units, and of course tips and tricks for being accepted as an FF UNAIR student. There are even those who are curious about the various kinds of natural materials research that has been carried out by FF UNAIR.

All questions from students were answered in detail by representatives of BEM FF UNAIR members who were present at that time. Of course, in answering questions they were also accompanied by Mrs. Putri.