
FF UNAIR Students Selected by BKKBN to Become Ambassadors to Eradicate Threats to Adolescent Reproductive Health

FF UNAIR Students Selected by BKKBN to Become Ambassadors to Eradicate Threats to Adolescent Reproductive Health

Juan Shantiko, a student at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR), class of 2023, was selected as the 2024 Indonesian GenRe Ambassador. He was successfully selected by the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) after taking part in the 2024 Indonesian GenRe Ambassador Appreciation event and the Creativity Event Jamboree (Adujaknas) on September 17-21, 2024.

Before being named GenRe Indonesia Ambassador 2024, in the previous year this student with many achievements succeeded in becoming GenRe Ambassador Kediri Regency 2023 and GenRe Ambassador East Java Province 2023.

Now Juan has an important task that focuses on becoming a role model for teenagers who "zero" the 3 Basic Threats to Adolescent Reproductive Health (TRIAD KRR), namely rejecting premarital sex, child marriage, drugs and terrorism. It also plays a role in helping to reduce the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia and improve the reproductive health of adolescents.

Amazingly, Juan has now served in all districts and cities in East Java. The main targets of this program are teenagers and families who have teenagers, especially in the horseshoe areas of East Java and Madura where there are high rates of stunting and child marriage due to cultural demands. He provides assistance to Risti (High Risk) teenagers to avoid TRIAD KRR and also becomes an extension of the East Java BKKBN to help create quality families and a balanced population. Not only that, he also focuses on upholding adolescent mental health.

Juan's contribution is a concrete form that the FF UNAIR academic community plays a big role in realizing SDGs 3 "Good Health and Well-being".


Juan when elected as East Java GenRe Ambassador 2023