
FF UNAIR Community Service Team Educates Banyuwangi Community to Take Advantage of Mangosteen Potential

FF UNAIR Community Service Team Educates Banyuwangi Community to Take Advantage of Mangosteen Potential

On Saturday (14/9/2024), the community service team (community service) of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR) in collaboration with the Branch Management of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI) Banyuwangi Regency again carried out community service activities after successfully holding similar activities last year. This year the activity was entitled "Empowering the Songgon Village Community in Making Health Products Made from Mangosteen Fruit as an Effort to Improve the Community's Economy".

Taking place in Sanggon Village, Banyuwangi Regency, this activity was attended by PKK cadres and local village Karang Taruna as participants. The FF UNAIR community service team taught the participants to make antibacterial soap using mangosteen peel. Meanwhile, in the previous year they were taught to use mangosteen peel to make tea bags, facial masks and syrup.

The activity was chaired by Mrs. apt. Suciati, S.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. This aims to increase the potential for utilizing the abundant mangosteen from Songggon Village to become a health product that can be consumed by the community or sold on the market. Not only is the fruit useful, mangosteen rind has also been proven to increase immunity and can act as an antioxidant and help you lose weight.

Not only do they practice making products, participants are also taught how to make good and correct product packaging and product marketing strategies. In this activity, the Banyuwangi District Health Service also provided material related to the management of PIRT UMKM permits. Also present was the Banyuwangi Regency Cooperative Service delivering material related to MSME Entrepreneurship Motivation and business legality.

This program is an application of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 3, namely Good Health and Well-Being.