
FF UNAIR Holds Community Service for Community Education Regarding the Use of Traditional Herbs, Aromatherapy and Acupressure

FF UNAIR Holds Community Service for Community Education Regarding the Use of Traditional Herbs, Aromatherapy and Acupressure

In this modern era, everything is required to be fast-paced, so society has big challenges in the form of chronic fatigue and feeling overtired, especially for those of productive age. Apart from having an impact on reducing productivity, this will of course trigger various health problems and even chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and autoimmune disease.

In terms of prevalence, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of sufferers of general fatigue in the world is no joke, reaching 20-40% of the adult population. How could it not be, this phenomenon not only occurs in people who are workers, but also in housewives with busy housework routines, as well as patients who suffer from chronic diseases.

This is what prompted the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR) to hold community service (pengmas) activities to educate the community. In collaboration with practitioners from Airlangga University Hospital, this community service activity carries the theme "Use of Traditional Medicine, Aromatherapy and Accessories to Help Relieve Fatigue and Improve Body Fitness". This community service is an implementation of SDGs point 4 Quality Education.

This activity was held on Wednesday, September 11 2024. At that time dozens of participants consisting of the general public and health workers filled the Dharmawangsa Hall, Floor 8 of the Hospital. UNAIR to attend counseling.

The participants were given education regarding making traditional concoctions using plants commonly found in yard areas such as ginger, galangal, lempuyang, Javanese chilies, and so on. Not only that, the use of aromatherapy to treat various health problems was also explained on that occasion. This way, participants will know that the use of aromatherapy, traditional herbs, and acupressure techniques can offer potential benefits in reducing symptoms of persistent fatigue and improving fitness.

What's more interesting, in this activity the participants also had the opportunity to practice acupressure independently and make massage oil and aromatherapy roll-on. Participants can also enjoy directly the traditional ingredients served including kencur rice, tamarind turmeric, and jarecang (ginger, lemongrass, secang). Of course the participants who were present at that time were very happy. They hope that the frequency of carrying out similar activities will be increased further.

Upaya Universitas Airlangga Edukasi Pemanfaatan Ramuan Tradisional, Aromaterapi, dan Akupresur untuk Kebugaran Tubuh