
FF UNAIR Community Service Team Educates Krian Community About Practical Medicine Management and Disposal

FF UNAIR Community Service Team Educates Krian Community About Practical Medicine Management and Disposal

Faculty of Pharmacy of Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) carried out Community Service (Pengmas) activities in Gamping Village, Krian, Sidoarjo on 24 August 2024. The background for holding this community service is due to the fact that managing medicines independently without adequate knowledge can create risks of uncontrolled use of medicines, such as bacterial resistance and environmental problems.

For this reason, the topic promoted by the FF UNAIR community service team this time was "Community Empowerment in Correct Management of Medicines in the Household Through the Brown Bag Program for Residents of Gamping Village, Krian District". Activities on this topic are of course a form of implementation and support from FF UNAIR in realizing SDGs point 3, namely Good Health and Well-being.

In this activity, the FF UNAIR community service team delivered the RAPIKO (Let's Tidy Up the Medicine Boxes in Our Homes) and KOMPAK (Community Medicine Waste Boxes) campaigns. The campaign was adopted from the Brown Bag program which has been implemented in developed countries to review patient medications. Apart from that, health checks and education were also carried out for residents. The health checks carried out include measuring blood pressure and random blood sugar (GDA).

Mrs. apt. Gesnita Nugraheni, S.Farm., M.Sc. as the chief organizer of the activity emphasized that this drug review is very important to prevent incorrect or excessive use of drugs which can be dangerous. Some examples of medication errors found include using antibiotics for flu, measuring liquid medicine using a tablespoon, as well as behavior that does not routinely take medication for chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. It is hoped that after receiving this education, people's knowledge of medicine will become better and can support medication safety.

Dozens of residents who took part in this activity felt very helpful because apart from being able to find out about their health condition through free health checks, they also had new knowledge. This knowledge can even be passed on to relatives and close acquaintances.


Dosen Farmasi UNAIR Gagas Solusi Praktis Pengelolaan dan Pembuangan Obat untuk Masyarakat Krian