
MTs Alif Laam Miim Boarding School Surabaya Teacher is Enthusiastic about Visiting the FF UNAIR Laboratory

MTs Alif Laam Miim Boarding School Surabaya visit to FF UNAIR

This morning (28/5/2024) 12 teachers from MTs Alif Laam Miim Boarding School Surabaya visited the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR). This visit was aimed at sharing knowledge with teaching staff at FF UNAIR in order to support the quality of teaching and education at MTs Alif Laam Miim Boarding School Surabaya.

Mrs. Yuliani, M.Pd. as Principal of MTs Alif Laam Miim Boarding School Surabaya at that time was present accompanied by 11 teachers. The MTs Alif Laam Miim Boarding School Surabaya group was immediately warmly welcomed by the leadership of FF UNAIR, who at that time was represented by Mr. apt. Mahardian Rahmadi, M.Sc., Ph.D. who serves as Deputy Dean II FF UNAIR.

Before heading to the laboratory, the agenda began in the Main Meeting Room of the Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building. At that time, there was a brief introduction regarding FF UNAIR and also MTs Alif Laam Miim Boarding School Surabaya. After that, there was a question and answer session.

In the question and answer session, the teachers with high enthusiasm asked many questions related to education and teaching, especially regarding practicum in the field of pharmaceutical science. Apart from that, they also want to provide assistance to MTs Alif Laam Miim Boarding School Surabaya teachers in order to improve their teaching skills.

Next, the teachers were invited to tour the laboratory accompanied by one of the FF UNAIR lecturers, Mrs. apt. Tutik Sri Wahyuni, M.Si., Ph.D. At that time, Mrs. Wahyuni ​​explained in detail to the teachers about the facilities and equipment in the laboratory at FF UNAIR. They looked serious, paying attention to the explanation from Mrs. Wahyuni ​​and looking at the practicum facilities owned by FF UNAIR.