
From Bekasi to Surabaya, SMAN 17 Bekasi Visits FF UNAIR to Become Ksatria Airlangga

Visit of SMAN 17 Bekasi to FF UNAIR

Exactly one week after SMAN 1 Taruna Madani Bangil visited the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR), today (30/4/2024) it was the turn of SMAN 17 Bekasi to visit FF UNAIR. The teachers and students of SMAN 17 Bekasi who were present at that time were immediately directed by the staff on duty to occupy the Hall of the Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building where a series of visiting activities were being held.

The class 11 students of SMAN 17 Bekasi who attended this visit looked very enthusiastic to dig up deeper information regarding their beloved FF UNAIR campus. Moreover, today also coincides with the start of SNBT, namely SNBT is a test-based university entrance route, so they can feel the atmosphere of SNBT participants who are struggling.

After the speech delivered by Mr. apt. Firmansyah Ardian Ramadhani, M. Farm. representative of UNAIR FF Lecturer and Principal of SMAN 17 Bekasi Dra. Turheni Komar, M.Pd., the event continued with the introduction of FF UNAIR. The agenda for introducing FF UNAIR was presented by Mr. Firman.

Then the students were invited to ask any questions related to the explanation. Three representatives of BEM FF UNAIR members who were present at that time kindly answered all questions in detail. Not only them, Mr. Firman and the event guide also responded to questions raised by the students.

At that time, many students raised their hands to indicate that they wanted to ask questions. Many of them asked about the grades and study tips to be accepted as an FF UNAIR student. Apart from that, there are also several interesting questions such as can a pharmacist make medicine for animals, and so on.