
FF UNAIR Support to Achieve SDGs 15 Through Medicine Management Education

Visit to One of the Patients' Home

There is never-ending support from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR) to achieve the goal of SDGs 15 Life of Land. This support is proven by the implementation of community service (community service) entitled "Assistance and Practices for Good Household Medicine Management for Families of Patients at the Airlangga Pharmacy Surabaya".

In this activity, the public is educated on many things, one of which is how to dispose of leftover, damaged or expired medicines so that they do not harm the environment. As we know, medicines are made from various chemicals so special methods are needed to dispose of them.

The FF UNAIR community service team collaborates with the Airlangga Pharmacy to return expired, damaged and unnecessary medicines to the community. Medicines identified as damaged and expired, as well as leftover medicines that cannot be used again due to changes in therapy or as a result of patient non-compliance will be destroyed according to BPOM regulations through third parties who are partners of FF UNAIR so that they are not misused and pollute the environment.

Packaged in the form of visits to patients' homes, this activity targeted 33 patients in the Surabaya area involving students from the 118th period of the Pharmacist Professional Study Program. These students of course remained under the supervision of professional pharmacists when carrying out the activities. Having started since September 2023, this activity is planned to continue until January 2024.