
FF UNAIR Community Service Invites Students to Get to Know Family Medicinal Plants Closer

The Enthusiasm of the Students When Participating in Pengmas Activities

On Wednesday, August 2 2023, at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR), a community service event was held with an educational theme related to herbal plants. The audience came from student representatives from each MTs and MA Alif Laam Miim Surabaya. This event was supervised by Ms. Tutik Sri Wahyuni, S.Sc., MSi., PhD., Apt.

The education provided was in the form of a presentation of material related to the benefits of family medicinal plants and ended with the practice of making syrup, masks and body scrubs from rosella and butterfly pea flowers. The material presentation session took place in the Hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy and practice was carried out in the Phytochemical Laboratory of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University.

"This community service is aimed at introducing local wisdom, namely herbal plants and education regarding their use. It is hoped that the younger generation will have the will and ability to innovate in the field of research and entrepreneurship in the future," said Mrs. Tutik Sri Wahyuni, S.Si ., MSi., PhD., Apt.

This event took place in an attractive manner. The students always look excited when the speaker raises a number of questions related to the material provided. This is because there are attractive prizes that will be distributed to students who dare to answer correctly. Thus, students compete with each other to answer questions quickly and correctly.

"The event was fun, you could learn many things including making syrup and masks. From this event I have a good picture and impression of the pharmaceutical world.” Faihah said one of the students who took part in the activity.


Author: Jihan Amira (2021)
Editor: Anisa Salma (2022)
Documentation: Nur Majid Putri (2021)