
UNAIR FF Reading Room Receives Visit from UNAIR Central Library

On Monday morning (30/1/2023) the Reading Room of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (RBC FF UNAIR) received a visit from the Universitas Airlangga Library.

At that time, Mr. Henky Soekma Putra, S.T. as the Head of Administrative Section of FF UNAIR and two RBC FF UNAIR staff, namely Mrs. Susilawati and Mrs. Fresty Katili, A.Md. warmly welcomed the arrival of the UNAIR Library team.

This visit was carried out directly by the Head of UNAIR Library, namely Ms. Suhernik, S.Sos., M.Sc. accompanied by some of his staff. The purpose of this visit was to ensure the follow-up of the Tennis Guidance (Bimtek) which was previously attended by RBC FF UNAIR staff.

During the visit at that time it was known that RBC FF UNAIR had carried out all the procedures properly according to what had been explained to the Bimtek by the UNAIR Library.