
Far from Banjarbaru, Borneo Lestari Vocational School Visited FF UNAIR

The Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) received another visit from the school. This time it was the turn of the Borneo Lestari Vocational High School (SMK) from the city of Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, to visit the Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building.

This visit is the first in 2023. Held on Friday (20/1/2023), this activity was attended by more than 50 students of SMK Borneo Lestari accompanied by several of their teachers.

The activity took place in one of the lecture halls on the 5th floor of the Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building. Head of the Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program Mr. Chrismawan Ardianto, Ph.D. as well as several members of the Student Executive Board (BEM) warmly welcomed the arrival of the Borneo Lestari Vocational High School group.

The event began with remarks from Mr. Chrismawan and representatives of Borneo Lestari Vocational School Teachers. Then Mr. Chrismawan and BEM members who were present explained the profile of FF UNAIR.

After that, the event continued with a question and answer session. The students who were present at that time enthusiastically asked several questions regarding tips to be accepted as FF UNAIR students. Besides that, they were also curious about the scope of knowledge taught at FF UNAIR.

Mr. Chrismawan and BEM members took turns answering these questions in detail and which were quite easy for the students to understand.

At the end of the visiting session, don't forget to take some photos together as a memento. In addition, both FF UNAIR and SMK Borneo Lestari also gave souvenirs to each other.