
LIPJPHKI Visits FF UNAIR to Implement SINTA Assistance as PAK Lecturer Support

SINTA Assistance from the LIPJPHKI Team

This Thursday (10/21/2022) the Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI) team deliberately visited the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) in order to assist the Science and Technology Index (SINTA). This activity is carried out as a support for Credit Score Assessment (PAK) for lecturers to propose academic promotions/ranks.

Mentoring Participants Attend Offline and Online

Taking place in the 2nd floor courtroom of the Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building, this activity was attended by Mrs. Ayu Lana Nafisyah, S.Pi., M.Sc., Ph.D. who is the LIPJPHKI Rating and Publication Coordinator along with several assistance teams. Apart from that, all lecturers in FF UNAIR were also invited to this activity. Lecturers who are unable to attend can still provide assistance through the Zoom Meeting platform because this event is being held in a hybrid manner.

The event began with a brief remark from Vice Dean III FF UNAIR, Prof. apt. Dewi Melani Hariyadi, M.Phil., Ph.D. Then the event was handed over to Mrs. Ayu Lana Nafisyah and the team. The mentoring team swiftly approached the lecturers to provide directions regarding SINTA and to synchronize their research data and publications on their respective SINTA accounts.