
FF UNAIR Lecturer Holds Coordination Meeting to Discuss Tridharma Achievement Progress and Global Reputation

On Sunday (23/10/2022), the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) held a coordination meeting to discuss the progress of the Tridharma achievements and global reputation. Located in the meeting room of The 101 hotel, Yogyakarta, this activity was attended by all FF UNAIR lecturers.

The event began with a presentation delivered by Prof. Junaidi Khotib as the Dean of FF UNAIR. He conveyed the achievements of QS WUR Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) and how FF UNAIR contributed specifically, as well as UNAIR projections in 2024 and tips that must be achieved by FF UNAIR.

After Prof. Junaidi Khotib after making a presentation, the event continued with a discussion session. In the discussion session, several professors not only asked questions but also gave suggestions that could build FF UNAIR to be better.

One of the professors who was active in the discussion session at that time was the Dean of FF UNAIR in the previous period, Prof. Umi Athiyah. One of the suggestions he gave was that the managers of undergraduate and master's programs at FF UNAIR could pay attention to research trends and then conduct joint research on these topics. He mentioned that lecturers with their own field of interest were outdated. So that the research conducted should be right on target in order to increase citations.

At the end of the event, all attendees took a group photo session.