

After visiting universities and hospitals the previous day, on Tuesday (30/08/2022) The 3rd International Summer School, Association of Indonesian Pharmacy Higher Education (AIPHE) Year of 2022 visited several places to introduce traditional medicines Indonesia.

The visit starts at Mini Agrowisata which is located on Jl. Raya Wisma Pagesangan No. 203. Here international students are divided into several small groups and each group is given the task to name 10 medicinal plants including the regional name, scientific name, and the function of each medicinal plant. This activity aims to make international students familiar with various medicinal plants that have the potential as traditional medicines.

After visiting Mini Agrotourism, international students are invited to visit a traditional market that sells simplicia/medicine raw materials. Still in the same group, international students were given the task of mentioning 10 simplicia that were there including local names, plant parts used for simplicia, and the function of each simplicia.

After touring Mini Agrotourism and traditional markets, international students then head to Café Griya Jamu which is located on Jl. Raya Gubeng No.68 AB. Before starting their activities, international students first take a break and have lunch at Café Griya Jamu. There are various kinds of processed traditional herbal ingredients that are packaged in a modern way so that it becomes interesting to study. After the break, international students were given the task of mentioning one herbal formula together with group members that had been formed including the name of the herbal medicine, the name of the ingredient (local and scientific), the part of the plant used in the formula, the number of ingredients in the formula, and the function or benefit of consuming the herbal medicine. .

After visiting Café Griya Jamu, the day's activities ended at the Heroes Monument Museum. There international students can see evidence of the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation in fighting for its independence. Apart from visiting museums, international students can enjoy an afternoon in Surabaya and rest after a full day of studying and visiting various places.