

On August 2 to 4, 2022, the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) has successfully held the "Human Resources Performance Evaluation Meeting 2022" by inviting all education staff (tendik) in FF UNAIR. This year's evaluation meeting took place in two places, namely the Multipurpose Hall on the 1st floor of the Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building, Surabaya and the Horaios Hotel Hall, Yogyakarta.

The performance evaluation meeting was opened by the Deputy Dean II of FF UNAIR, Mr. Mahardian Rahmadi. Besides being attended by Deputy Dean 2, all leaders of FF UNAIR starting from the Dean, Deputy Dean 1 and Deputy Dean 3 also attended the activity. The Dean of FF UNAIR, Prof. Junaidi Khotib and other leaders really open up opportunities for education staff to open their voices regarding what obstacles are currently being faced so that existing problems can be resolved immediately.

"Let's keep what is good and improve, but what is still bad, we fix it together to make it better," said Prof Junaidi.

On that occasion, the Heads of Sub-Sections (Heads of Sub-Divisions) enthusiastically presented the achievements, obstacles, and solutions offered by each division. After the presentation session was over, it was followed by a discussion session. At that time, it seemed that several staff gave their responses regarding the presentations that had been presented. The leaders also proactively provide solutions to every obstacle they face and useful suggestions to build FF UNAIR to be better.

In addition to the evaluation meeting, the technical staff also received training in Building Fire Safety Management (MKKG). The training brought in a resource person from the fire department named Mr. Munir. He explained all important things related to the MKKG in very detail and clearly.

In addition to the presentation of the material, the practice of extinguishing fires using APAR is also carried out. This is a new insight for some staff who are still unfamiliar with the use of APAR. At that time, the staff who were present also actively asked several questions regarding related topics to the resource persons during the question and answer session.