

Last Friday (29/7) the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) received a visit from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FF UGM). This visit was conducted in the context of comparative studies related to curriculum, facilities, and learning.

On that day, all leaders and several staff of FF UNAIR warmly welcomed the group of comparative study team from FF UGM. The comparative study team of FF UGM consists of 12 people who are a number of lecturers and educational staff (laborators).

Both leaders from FF UNAIR and FF UGM also did not forget to give remarks to start the activities on that day. After the remarks, the audience began to conduct question and answer sessions and discussions related to the learning system and facilities in each faculty.

The event ended with a group photo and gift giving. Then, a visit was made to the laboratory in FF UNAIR.