

A series of events carried out by Community Development, one of which is Teaching Pharmacy (Fajar). Fajar is divided into sinau apocil, creative apocil, and apocil ambassador. This activity was carried out for two days, namely May 21 and 28, 2022. At the Fajar 2022 event, the COMDEV committee can go directly to the community so that it can increase social sensitivity. Teaching pharmacy is carried out together with Bulak Banteng village brothers. This activity was enthusiastically welcomed by the local brothers and sisters. This is evidenced by the increasing number of participants on the second day of teaching pharmacy.

Pharmacy activities teach themselves not only by learning but also by playing. Apocil Sinau is filled with basic math materials such as multiplication, division, and basic calculations. Then, the creative apocil is filled with drawing and coloring activities with the theme of the ideals they want to achieve. After the children finished drawing and coloring, they were asked to come forward to explain what they had done. The COMDEV committee also appreciated their courage to speak in public by giving small gifts to those who dared to come forward.

It is hoped that this teaching pharmacy will be able to provide great benefits for Bulak Banteng village younger siblings so that they are more enthusiastic about studying, achieving their goals, daring to appear in public, and improving the learning quality of Bulak Banteng's younger siblings. It is also hoped that even though teaching pharmacy has ended, the spirit of the younger siblings in learning and studying will never be extinguished.