

After sharing tips on using natural ingredients for facial cleansers, Prof. Dr. apt. Mangestuti Agil, MS. also provides an explanation of scrubs, masks, and herbal toners as an advanced stage of facial care after cleansing.

First of all, what will be discussed is Scrub or what is also known as a scrub. Scrub can be used to help exfoliate dead skin cells, which will be followed by the removal of other impurities, including blackheads and sebum. The main ingredients are rice flour and temu giring which have the properties of absorbing dirt, antioxidants and antibacterial properties. Scrubbing the skin with a scrub is enough to do a maximum of twice a week to avoid excessive exfoliation.

After the scrub, the next step in facial care is the use of a face mask. In principle, masks must be made of materials that are nonacnegenic, noncomedogenic, and hypoallergenic. That is, it does not trigger acne, blackheads, and allergic reactions. One of the best ingredients for a mask is aloe vera. Aloe vera has a very high water content. The content of vitamins B2 and 6, vitamins C, E, minerals, and amino acids prevents skin dryness and maintains skin softness and elasticity.

Lastly, Prof. Mangestuti discusses the toner that is used at the final stage of facial cleansing to remove the remaining dirt that has not been lifted, especially oil. Green tea can be chosen as a potential natural toner. Its properties as an antioxidant are very strong because it contains
polyphenolic compounds. The trick, simply brew green tea in boiling water and leave it for 2-3 minutes. Then apply the infusion on the face with the help of a cotton swab or it can be sprayed onto the face using a spray bottle.

Source: Koran Jawa Pos section "HERBAL" written by Prof. Dr. apt. Mangestuti Agil, MS.