

Hair is an important crown for every woman. Therefore, taking care of hair has become an obligation for women.

We are fortunate that we live in the beloved country of Indonesia, which is famous for its natural wealth with a myriad of benefits. including hair care. Prof. Dr. apt. Mangestuti Agil, MS. as Professor of Pharmacy Botany and Pharmacognosy at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) explained that in addition to aloe vera, hibiscus to almond oil are also natural ingredients that are very effective in treating hair so that it is always healthy and strong.

According to Prof. Mangestuti, leaves and flowers from hibiscus flowers have been popularly used by Malaysians for hair care so that they grow thick and strong, but in our beloved country this is not widely known by the public.

How to use this plant is to first squeeze a sufficient number of hibiscus leaves to remove mucus, then the results of the squeeze can be directly applied to the scalp. The results of the squeeze can also be mixed with coconut oil that has been warmed first. For optimal results, it is recommended to do this regularly for 3 times a week.

Besides hibiscus, Prof. Mangestuti added that candlenut oil and coconut oil are also considered very effective for treating hair. This is indeed no doubt because in our country, the use of these two ingredients for hair care has been widely practiced.

Prof. Mangestuti did not forget to provide an alternative for those who don't like the smell of candlenut oil or coconut oil, they can use almond oil which is currently easily available in shopping centers. How to use this ingredient is to mix a quarter cup of almond oil with a tablespoon of honey and then warmed. After that, the mixture of these two ingredients can be applied to the scalp while massaging. Then wrap your hair in a warm towel for 30 minutes, and finally, rinse your hair with water and shampoo. It is recommended to do this 2 to 3 times a week.
