

After previously providing information regarding the benefits of dates, now Prof. Dr. apt. Mangestuti Agil, MS. back to discussing another takjil menu that is already familiar to our ears, namely compote. The compote we know is made from 100 percent natural ingredients. The content of bioactive substances from these ingredients certainly contributes to providing benefits for the health of the body.

Bananas, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and coconut milk are some of the ingredients used as basic ingredients for making compote. All these ingredients must be harvested on time so that the sugar content, active substances, and aroma are just right so that the compote served is delicious.

Bananas are known to contain sugar, and other substances such as vitamins B6, B12, minerals potassium, iron and magnesium. Iron is said to stimulate the production of red blood cells, while the high potassium contained in bananas is able to overcome the disturbed balance of the body when under stress conditions. In addition, bananas also contain fiber which is suitable for use as a deterrent to bowel difficulties.

The second ingredient that should not be underestimated is sweet potato which is seen as a "three in one" ingredient because it is a combination of quality grains, fruits and vegetables. The point is that sweet potatoes contain starch, such as grains for food, high in pectin and fruit, and high in vitamins and minerals, such as vegetables. Sweet potatoes can provide antioxidant effects, heart protection, antidiabetic, liver and brain function protectors, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial. The overall efficacy can be interpreted as the ability to fight disease and boost immunity.

The next ingredient is pumpkin which is known as a source of carotenoids and also contains pectin, minerals, vitamins A, C, E, and lycopene. The activity of vitamin C in pumpkin also has the ability to protect body cells from free radical damage.

Lastly, the ingredient that should not be missed is coconut milk. Although lately there is a strong phenomenon of avoiding coconut milk in the community, but did you know that according to research, coconut milk can reduce cholesterol? In addition, the antioxidant activity of coconut milk in collaboration with protein, fiber, and phenolic acids can protect the body from health problems.

Source: Koran Jawa Pos section "HERBAL" written by Prof. Dr. apt. Mangestuti Agil, MS.