

The research conducted by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR), Prof. apt. Junaidi Khotib, M.Kes., Ph.D., entitled “Impact of Bishpenol-A Exposure on Brain Development and Mental Development Disorders” shows how dangerous BPA is.

Prof. Junaidi said the study stated that the development and physiology of the neuroendocrine hypothalamus and control of energy balance were impaired, and the memory learning process in the hippocampus decreased. The presence of BPA will also cause complex damage involving hormonal and epigenetic pathways.

"Although to date, the quantification of disturbances in in vivo mouse models has not been translated into a very clear dose-response model in humans. But this should be a warning and a warning to the health problems that will occur when there is BPA exposure and have serious impacts on human health." human health, both physically and mentally.

According to Prof. Junaidi, the focus of his research is to evaluate the impact of BPA on impaired nerve cell formation and maturation in the brain based on in vitro, in vivo and epidemiological data. "These efforts are closely related in preventing the emergence of various neurological, mental, behavioral and quality disorders of future generations of Indonesia," he said.

Don't forget Prof. Junaidi also revealed several important conclusion points related to his research. First, exposure to BPA in neural and buffer cell cultures results in changes in the activity, proliferation, differentiation and physiology of neurons and buffers expressing specific proteins.

Second, exposure to BPA in vivo in experimental animals in the prenatal and neonatal phases causes changes in differentiation, maturation and development of the nervous system in the brain, which has an impact on behavioral changes and learning memory in experimental animals.

Third, exposure to BPA is closely related to the content of BPA in urine and a marker of DNA damage. This has the opportunity to cause growth and development disorders, especially in ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and mental health disorders in children.

Based on that study, Prof. Junaidi Khotib recommends several steps to prevent exposure and adverse impacts on humans. First, education and awareness-raising to the public regarding the ability to wisely choose food or beverage products that use BPA-free primary packaging.

Second, assistance to producers in increasing customer awareness through efforts to maintain product safety from exposure to compounds harmful to health such as BPA. Control and monitoring of packaging use can be carried out properly.

Third, the commitment and responsibility of producers in ensuring product safety through intensive pharmacovigilance studies related to the migration/release of BPA from packaging and its impact on health.

And fourth, the efforts of the Authorization Institution in licensing food and beverage products by not allowing the exposure of hazardous materials to BPA through labeling the primary packaging of food and beverages.

