

The PKM (Student Creativity Program) socialization carried out by the Department of Science of BEM FF UNAIR on Saturday, March 13, 2022, was attended by approximately 50 participants virtually through the Zoom Meeting platform. The event entitled "Innovation for the Best Performance with PKM" was enlivened by the Deputy Dean II apt. Mahardian Rahmadi, S. Si., M. Sc., Ph. D. and Head of BEM FF UNAIR for 2022 period Farhan Rizqi Windianto. This activity presents apt. Favian Rafif Firdaus, S. Farm. and Anisa Cendekia Muslimah.


"You don't have to qualify internationally, but make a proposal and then be consulted so that you can participate in presentations at the faculty or university level," said Mr. Mahar at the opening of the activity that afternoon.


The first material is presented by apt. Favian Rafif Firdaus, S. Farm. as a PKM PIMNAS 32 2019 Finalist with the material title "Easy Ways to Win PKM While Healing". Favian explained that there is no reason not to join PKM-PM (Student Creativity Program-Community Service) because it can be free from KKN. In addition, there are many pharmaceutical sciences that have not been applied to the community, so the chances of winning are very large. And the work is not only in the laboratory.


“There are still many pharmaceutical sciences that have not been applied in the community, for example the use of essential oils from plants that are considered trivial, such as nutmeg which has a sedative effect and lemongrass which has the benefit of repelling mosquitoes. There are still many things that have not been utilized, while the number in the community is so large that it is not controlled. So, it can be a good potential for us to utilize natural resources to make PKM-PM.” said Favian.


The second material entitled "Tips & Tricks to Win the PKM-Entrepreneurship Gold Medal" was presented by Anisa Cendekia Muslimah as the winner of PKM Pimnas 34 2021. PKM-K emphasizes student skills in work and entrepreneurship and is profit-oriented. PKM-K can be another option besides a business plan competition for students who have a business idea because it can be free of charge. 

In closing, Anisa said, "Challenges are indeed difficult but if you never try and start then you will never know how great we can get through them." to encourage friends who participated in the PKM socialization webinar.

Reporter          : Swastika Bintang (2020)

Editor              : Najmi Amrina (2020)

Fotografer       : Devia (2021)