

FF UNAIR has established cooperation with several pharmaceutical industry companies, one of which is Dexa Group. On April 8, 2022, a visit from Dexa Group was held in order to reach a cooperative and friendly audience. Mr. Mateus Ramidi as the Manager of Dharma Dexa who visited at that time was warmly welcomed by the leader formation and staff of FF UNAIR.

At the audience that day, the Dean of FF UNAIR Prof. apt. Junaidi Khotib, M.Kes., Ph.D. expressed some of his expectations regarding the potential for cooperation that could be done in the future. One of his hopes is to do a lot of cooperation in the field of research and community service. Prof. Junaidi is also convinced that FF UNAIR is able to contribute to the development of medicinal products.

Not wanting to miss out, FF UNAIR staff who were invited to the activity also presented their opinions and proposals. One of them, Prof. Dr. apt. Djoko Agus Purwanto, M.Si. who is the Head of the Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences Program Study, he proposed several collaborative activities that can be carried out with the study program.

Hearing several opinions and proposals from the attendees, Mr. Mateus Ramidi welcomed the invitation for cooperation. He accommodates all proposals to be presented to the leaders of Dexa Group. Not only that, he also conveyed some hope of cooperation from Dexa Group. Mr. Mateus, his familiar greeting, also explained that there was no problem with the quality of graduates from FF UNAIR. This is evidenced by a number of Dexa Group staff who are graduates of FF UNAIR.

As always, after the discussion session is over, the activity is followed by a souvenir session from Dexa Group to FF UNAIR and vice versa. Then it ends with a group photo.