

The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Pharmacy (BEM FF) Unair Period 2022 held an inaugural working meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday (15-16/2/2022) in order to discuss various work programs (proctor) that will be carried out for the next year. With strict health protocols, this meeting was attended directly by dozens of BEM and BLM management students in Lecture Room 5.1 located on the fifth floor of Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building, Campus C Unair. Among them were the Chairman of the Student Executive Board (BEM) and the Chairman of the Student Legislative Agency (BLM) along with eight heads of departments of the Kesatria Cabinet. Meanwhile, the majority of BEM, BLM, and student representatives from each force followed the course of the event through the Zoom application.

In his remarks, BLM Cabinet Chairman Arjuna, Basith Albaroni, expressed his hope for the future of the student executive organization. "Hopefully for the next year the BEM work program can run smoothly and there is a good relationship between BEM, BLM, and other academic communities," said the 2019 force student.

On the same occasion, Farhan Rizqi Windianto as the Chairman of BEM said that the procurers who had been drafted were derivatives of the thoughts and calculations of all BEM members. He then stressed the importance of working meetings in aligning the course and targets of BEM work with the interests of all FF Unair academic communities.  

"Therefore, I expect you lecturers, ormawa friends, and all students present today, to provide suggestions, criticism, and constructive input for the good and progress of the Faculty of Pharmacy," Farhan said to the audience.

The welcome was continued by Dr. apt. Riesta Primaharinastiti, S.Si., M.Si. Present online, apt. Riesta hopes that the working meeting can go without a hitch and ultimately manage to agree on the prokers' draft.

"Hopefully, the efforts of all of us (ormawa and the faculty leader, Red) in implementing a work program to [improve] faculty performance will have results," said Deputy Dean I FF Unair.

Furthermore, each department chairman alternately describes the proctor under his auspices. One of the Kesatria Cabinet's premier procurers is Obsession (Pharmacy Chatter) which is designed as an actual information center around the faculty and packaged in audio-visual media in the form of podcasts. The activity will present lecturers, heads of faculty subsections, and students every month on a regular basis.

"Lecturer resources will discuss what the faculty is currently achieving [and] lecturer activities that students can participate in [...], while student resources will discuss how to get a scholarship from an agency. [The activity will] invite students who have won competitions at the national and international levels [as well as] students who have participated in the Internship program or the Merdeka Campus program, "explained Kallista Freda Meir, Chairman of the Internal Department.


Reporter: Atha Vina
Photographer: Uzy, Devia