

The Higher Education Institution of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF-UNAIR), was founded on 17 August 1963 in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Sciences no. 96 1963 issued on 15 August 1963 and transformed to the Faculty of Pharmacy in 1965. Presently, there are six programs in the faculty, namely Apothecary Education on undergraduate and professional levels, Master Program of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Master Program on Clinical Pharmacy, Specialist Program of Pharmacy, Doctoral Program on Pharmaceutical Sciences.

According to the Rector’s Decree no. 9936/JO3/HK/2007, on 22 October 2007 FF-UNAIR has been designated five departments, namely the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Pharmaceutics, Community Pharmacy, and Clinical Pharmacy as structural units for the development of science, human resources, and the management of faculty performance portfolio. Starting from 2008, departments have been involved in the planning and implementation of annual programs in routine education and developmental programs according to organizational charter written according to changes in UA-PTN-BH. The departments are also required to show their capabilities in scientific development through excellent research that is able to deliver benefits to the humanity. In addition, Departments must be able to draft their budgets based on developmental programs according to the terms and conditions that apply in terms of facilities, resources, and development projections in the future.

In 2014, the Faculty of Pharmacy underwent a change in nomenclature (based on Rector’s Decree no. 9626/UN3/KR/2013 to be Apothecary Education Program, which is an integration between the Undergraduate Program and the Professional Apothecary Program.