
Program Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Master's Program in Pharmacy is one of the study programs within the Faculty of Pharmacy. This program has been established since 1984 with DIKTI's permission No. 593/DIKTI/Kep/1993 and has received an Excellent Accreditation by IAAHEH based on Decree No. 0178/IAAHEH/Mag/V/2021. The program has also developed an outsourcing system for recruiting expert staff or practitioners to enhance the quality of the teaching and learning process. There are several concentrations that can be chosen, such as pharmaceutical analysis, natural product chemistry, biomedical pharmacy, pharmaceutical policy and management, cosmetics, drug development, and drug delivery systems. The program is managed by 34 permanent faculty members with doctorate and professor qualifications.

Vision, Mission, and Objectives


To become an innovative Master's Program in Pharmacy, leading at both the national and international levels, excelling in pharmaceutical sciences based on religious morality.



  1. Organizing an innovative Master's Program in Pharmacy education by implementing modern teaching methods and technologies based on religious morality.
  2. Developing fundamental, innovative, and applied research based on pharmaceutical science and technology.
  3. Implementing community service through the dissemination of research outcomes in pharmaceutical science and technology, as a manifestation of social responsibility for the empowerment and improvement of the quality of life of the Indonesian community.
  4. Conducting the Master's Program in Pharmacy education to produce graduates who are excellent, resilient, morally grounded, capable of competing and collaborating at both the national and international levels.
  5. Developing collaborations at the national and international levels, with the aim of advancing educational, research, and community service programs.


  1. Producing graduates capable of advancing the latest knowledge and technology in the field of pharmaceutical science through research, resulting in innovative and validated works.
  2. Producing graduates capable of solving knowledge and technological challenges in the field of pharmaceutical science through interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approaches.
  3. Producing graduates capable of managing research and development beneficial to both society and the scientific community, while also achieving national and international recognition.
  4. Generating innovative research that drives the advancement of knowledge and technology in the field of pharmaceutical science, on both national and international scales, to support the development of education and community engagement.
  5. Establishing collaborations that support the implementation of the Three Pillars of Higher Education through the development of management oriented towards quality and international competitiveness.


Degree Name

Students declared to have passed are entitled to an academic title Master of Pharmacy (M.Farm.).


Course Intensity

Full Time


Study Mode

On Campus


Intake Period



Length of Study

 4 Semesters



Excellent  (Nationally Accredited by IAAHEH)


Program Details