
Stop Worm Infestation! Establishing a Healthy Indonesia

On Monday, 25 November 2019, from 1 pm to 4 pm at the Health Service Center of  Campus B Universitas Airlangga, group C1 conducted a health promotion with the theme "worm infestation" by using X-banner media. The material presented consisted of risk factors and symptoms of worm infestation as well as disease prevention and administration of mass preventive medicine (POPM). The purpose of this health promotion is to increase public awareness and knowledge about matters related to worm infestation.

At the time of the health promotion, the number of patients visiting the health service center was 24 visitors. Visitors were dominated by women. The course of health promotion began with introducing the group members and explaining the intention and purpose of the health promotion. The presentation of health promotion material was carried out for approximately 15 minutes for one exposure cycle. Then, it was followed by a question and answer session with visitors. An interesting question was posed by a visitor, "I feel dizzy when I wake up suddenly after lying down, am I exposed to worms?". This question was triggered by our explanation of one of the symptoms of worm infestation, which is anemia. The visitor assumed that he had anemia and feared it was a symptom of worm infestation although this visitor did not feel other symptoms as described. We suggested this visitor to do further tests such as blood pressure check and consult a doctor. Perhaps, it is more possible that the visitor was exposed to postural hypotension.

After the health promotion, out of the 24 questionnaires were distributed to visitors and there was a high enthusiasm for the material presented. When delivering health promotion materials, visitors seemed enthusiastic to listen, it was similar to the answers in the questionnaire which showed many visitors agreed to hold health promotion. In addition the regular health promotion held at the Health Service Center should provide a more various themes.